Quantitative Revision Flashcards
In what circumstances would you perform a simple linear regression test?
To determine if there are linear relationships/associations between ratio/interval variables i.e. X and Y
Enable prediction of the values of Y (DV) from the values of X (IV)
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the simple linear regression test with your data?
Ratio/interval data
Linear relationship between X and Y
Data are randomly sampled
No outliers amongst data
Residuals must be approximately normally distributed
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the simple linear regression test?
Non-directional (two-tailed)
Directional (one-tailed)
H0: There is no linear relationship between X and Y.
H1: There is a linear relationship between X and Y.
H0: There is no positive linear relationship between X and Y.
H1: There is a positive linear relationship between X and Y.
Describe what the results mean for a simple linear regression test./
Interpret the results
Write-up of conclusion and results
Standardized coefficient
r: strength of the relationship between X and Y (with 1 being the strongest)
Beta: predictedeffectonYif X increases by 1 SD –> When X increasesby1SD,Yispredictedtoincreaseby.85SDs UsefulwheretherearemultipleIVs(inmultipleregression)
r^2: represents the variability in Y that can be explained by X
Unstandardized coefficient
b: For every increase in 1 unit of X, Y increases by b units
a: only interpret this if it makes sense/there is meaning/it is useful in knowing the value of Y when X = 0
significance (sig.) (i.e.p-value).: tells us the significance of
association between X and Y
effect of X on Y
The statistical significance associated with height matters
IGNORE the statistical significance associated with the constant
Be sure to answer in terms of the question and its scenario
In what circumstances would you perform a Pearson’s (r) correlation test?
To determine the (strength and direction of an) association between 2 variables i.e. X and Y, where neither is categorical, but instead continuous outcome:
ratio/interval(parametric) e.g. weight (kg)
ordinalscale(non‐parametricequivalent) e.g. world ranking No.1, No.5 etc.
Parametric data
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the Pearson’s (r) correlation test with your data?
X and Ymustberatio/interval
Linearassociation between X and Y(scatterplot)
Theassociationmustshowhomogeneity of variance(scatterplot), wherethedatapointsareevenly distributedalongtheregressionline
Data for X and Y should follow a normal distribution (histogram, box plot, normal probability Q-Q plot, skewness and kurtosis z-scores, mean = median)
No outliers (scatter plot, box plot)
Ideally,shouldonlybeused withasampleofn>=100
[Forsmallersamplesizes,thereisariskthatoneortwo extremedatapoints‘drive’theassociation]
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the Pearson’s (r) correlation test?
Non-directional (two-tailed)
Directional (one-tailed)
H0: There is no association between X and Y.
HA: There is an association between X and Y.
H0: There is no positive association between X and Y.
H1: There is a positive association between X and Y.
Describe what the results mean for a Pearson’s (r) correlation test./
Interpret the results
Write-up of conclusion and results
The results show a significant/non-significant (significance) weak/strong (strength) negative/positive (direction) correlation between X and Y
r: represents the strength of the relationship/association between X and Y
sig (i.e.p-value).: tells us the significance of the association between X and Y
r^2: represents the variability in Y that can be explained by X
In what circumstances would you perform a Spearman’s (rho) test?
Spearman’s rho calculates the ranked scores for each variable and considers the association between the ranks
To determine the (strength and direction of an) association between the ranks of X and Y, where X and Y are both non-categorical (i.e. not ordinal)
Non-parametric data i.e. parametric assumptions have been violated/breached
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the Spearman’s (rho) test with your data?
X and Ymustberatio/interval
Association between the ranks of X and Y does not need to be linear but it must be monotonic (i.e. does not change direction) (scatterplot)
Theassociationmustshowhomogeneity of variance(scatterplot), wherethedatapointsareevenly distributedalongtheregressionline
Onlyappropriatewheren (samplesize) is at least 20 or more
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the Spearman’s (rho) test?
H0: There is no association between the ranks of X and Y.
H1: There is an association between the ranks of X and Y.
H0: There is no positive association between the ranks of X and Y.
H1: There is a positive association between the ranks of X and Y.
Describe what the results mean for a Spearman’s (rho) test.
The results show a significant strong positive correlation between the ranks of X and Y
In what circumstances would you perform a Kendall’s (tau) test?
To determine the (strength and direction of an) association between the ranks of X and Y, where X and Y are both non-categorical (i.e. not ordinal)
Non-parametric data (data is not normally distributed) i.e. parametric assumptions have been violated/breached
Useful with small data set n < 20
Can deal with a large number of tied ranks in the data
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the Kendall’s (tau) test with your data?
Association between the ranks of X and Y does not need to be linear but it must be monotonic (i.e. does not change direction) (scatterplot)
Theassociationmustshowhomogeneity of variance(scatterplot), wherethedatapointsareevenly distributedalongtheregressionline
Onlyusefulwheren < 20
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the Kendall’s (tau) test?
H0: There is no association between the ranks of X and Y.
H1: There is an association between the ranks of X and Y.
H0: There is no positive association between the ranks of X and Y.
H1: There is a positive association between the ranks of X and Y.
Describe what the results mean for a Kendall’s (tau) test.
The results show a non-significant weak negative correlation between the ranks of X and Y
In what circumstances would you perform a multidimensional Chi-Square test?
Relationship/association between variables (Test of association)
Variables are both categorical i.e. nominal
Independent research design (No subjects/participants appears in > one group)
[Compare the observed and expected counts i.e. Test for differences where samples are independent]
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the multidimensional Chi-Square test with your data?
Randomly sampled
Variables must be categorical i.e. nominal
Counts(actualnumbers), notpercentages
No calculatedexpected value < 1
No > 20% of expected values < 5
Solution=collect more data, collapse categories, or use an exact test (SPSS)
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the multidimensional Chi-Square test?
ResearchQuestion: Does the proportion of athletes who are normal weight or overweight differ by sport?
(H0):Inthepopulation,thethreesportsdo not differ in the proportions who are normal and overweight.
(H1):Inthepopulation,thethreesportsdo differ in the proportions who are normal and overweight.
Describe what the results mean for a multidimensional Chi-Square test./
Interpret the results
Write-up of conclusion and results
A Chi-square test was performed to test the H0 that the 3 sports do not differ in the proportions who are normal and overweight
There was a difference between the proportion of those athletes who are normal and those who are overweight in the 3 sports (Field, Netball and Rowing), Chi-Square statistic = … (df = …, n = …), p = …
Basically: Method: Test was performed to test the H0 Results: Conclusion/result Chi-Square statistic df n p-value
In what circumstances would you perform a McNemar’s (Chi-Square) test?
Relationship/association between variables (Test of association)
Variables are both nominal
Repeatedmeasuresdesignwithtwo dichotomous variables
[Test for differences where samples are paired]
What assumptions must be met in order for you to use the McNemar’s test with your data?
Randomly sampled
Dependent/repeated measures
DV and IV must be
of only 2 categories each
Variables must be categorical i.e. nominal
Counts(actualnumbers), notpercentages
No calculatedexpected value < 1
No > 20% of expected values < 5
Solution=collect more data, collapse categories, or use an exact test (SPSS)
What would be an appropriate null and alternative hypotheses for the McNemar’s test?
Research question: To investigate the number of correct identifications of the writer’s sex by their handwriting style
49Psychologystudentswereaskedtowriteusingtheir normal handwritingandthenaskedtowriteimitatingthe handwritingoftheopposite sex
Students recruited a participant to judge the handwriting of both samples and identify the sex (repeatedmeasures)
IV: handwritingstyle
DV:participant’sjudgementof handwriter’ssex
H0: There will be no difference in the number of correct identifications of the writer’s sex from the 2 handwriting samples.
H1: There will be a difference in the number of correct identifications of the writer’s sex from the two handwriting samples.
Describe what the results mean for a McNemar’s test.
A McNemar’s Chi-Square test was performed to test the H0 that there will be no difference in the number of correct identifications of the writer’s sex from the two handwriting samples
There is a significant difference in the number of correct judgements between the two conditions of handwriting style (n = …, exact p = …)
Of the 49 participants, ‘..’ correctly identified the handwriter’s sex for normal writing. Of the ‘…’ who were incorrect for the normal handwriting, ‘…’ of them correctly identified the handwriter’s opposite handwriting