Quantitative Research, Variables, Ethics Flashcards
Quantitative research
you have a statistical tool,, numerical,deductive, surveys usually
Creswell 1994
an inquiry into social or human problem based on testing a theory composed of variables, measured with number and analyzed with statistical tools
5 types of Qualitative Research
Descriptive, Survey Research , (True) Experimental, Causal-Comparative/Quasi-experimental, Correlational Research
Descriptive Research
define existing condition of a variable to offer methodological data or systematic info
hypothesis is formulated after systematic data gathering
Methods of data coll of Desc Research
Gathering of details through selection not only of units studied but thr measurement of each variable ad well
Example of Descriptive Research
Level of Preparedness of SHS students in Metro Manila on school related Med Emergency
Survey research
more freedom to be less objective
acquire info from people concerning predominance, distribution, interrelations of variables
numerical desc of trends of a population by studying a samole of population
Methods in Survey research
Questionnares ad survey intrument
Two types of survey research
Cross-sectional - one time collection
Longitudinal- collected over time
Perceptions on the use of multivitamins supplements among middle aged indivs residing in metro manila: a cross sectional study
Experimental resesrch
termed as true experimentation
cause effect relationship (causality)
Methods of Experimental Research
identification and impose control over variables
determine effects of manioulated indep variables on dep var research manips
other person manipulates
ascertain cause effect relationship among variables which are not manipulated
finds out cases of existing phenomena
Methods of Quadi experimental
independent variable is identufied but programs/laws are not manipulated
effects of indiv variable on dep variable only measured or observed
non randomized
Effect of Early School time to mental alertness and aacademic performance among shs students in manila
Effect of Combined nitrate and phosphate supplements to the growth of common indoor plant Chinese Evergreen
Correlational Research
Aims to define degree of relationship between two separate things using stat data
dong aim cause effects
distinguishes tendencies/patterns
Methods of Correlational res
identified in a natural setting
uses stat analysis
not necessarily true expe
more on cause and effect