Quantitative Data Analysis Flashcards
Help in analyzing quantitative data in research
statistical tools
indicates frequency percentage of observations for each data point or grouping of data points
frequency and percentage
measure or central tendency to desribe a set of data by identifying the central position within that set of data
compares the means between two unrelated groups on the one(same) continuous variable
Independent Samples t-test
compares the means between two unrelated groups on the one(same) continuous variable
Independent Samples t-test
determines whether the mean of a dependent variable in the same 2 related groups
Paired Samples t-test
determines whether there are any statistically significant differences between the means of 2 or more independent(unrelated) groups.
One-way ANOVA
measure of strength and direction of association that exists between two variables measued on at least an interval scale
measure of strength and direction of association that exists between 2 variables measured on nominal or ordinal scale.
what is the profile of the participants in terms of:
1.1 sex
1.2 address
1.3 internet access and
1.4 types of gadgets
Frequency and Percentage
level of engagement of students in bascal blended class in terms of:
1.1 behavioral engagement
1.2 cognitive engagement and
1.3 emotional engagement
is there a sig. diff. betw. the commercial drug and the starfruit extract on the bleeding time of sprogne-dawley rats?
Independent samples t-test
post-test & pre-test, before & after
paired samples t-test
different concentrations in treatments
One-way ANOVA
sig. rs on the academic performance of students and their average daily time for reviewing?
sig. rs between acad. performance and their sex?