Quantitation Flashcards
Why use quantitative data?
- clinical chemistry
- urine and plasma drug conc
- biomarkers (can predict when patient has an episode in sickle cell anaemia)
- drug toxicity (trace metals in the blood)
- drug pharmacokinetics
Two types of quantitative methods
- classical methods
- instrumental methods
What are classical methods?
- wet chemistry
precipitation, extraction, distillation, boiling point, melting point, gravimetric and volumetric analysis
What are instrumental methods?
analytical measurement
conductivity, electrode potential, light absorption or emission, mass to charge ratio. fluorescence
How to determine the concentration in a sample?
use the peak area
Does it need to be a known compound
establishment of the method of analysis of drug in the matrix
analyse standard containing a known amount of drug in the matrix/ surrogate matrix
compare the response of an unknown sample to the response of a known standard
data must be acquired and processed under identical conditions
requires good chromatographic resolution
response of the compound is within the linear range of the detector
what does the chromatographic peak integration define
an operation where the area under the peak is measured
what is the integral technique and integral method for measuring peak area
integral technique- splits the peak into a large set of rectangles and summing their area
integral method
area= change in absorbance x change in time
what is external standard quantitation?
For an external standard quantitation, known data from a calibration standard and unknown data from the sample are combined to generate a quantitative report.
It is called external standard because the standard or known material is separate or external to the unknown material.
equation for the response factor?
response factor= area/ concentration
Problems with external standard quantiation
cannot draw a line with just one point
cannot have a 1 point/2 point calibration
need an 8 pint calibration curve
how is a calibration curve made
by analysis of standard solutions of known concentration
and measuring their peak area
best fit regression line is used to join the points
what is a better method to quantify the concentration
internal standard ISTD