quantifying volatility in VAR model Flashcards
what is the VAR based on?
The underlying variable’s probability distribution
What is the characteristic of fat tail?
more probability mass around the mean and at the tail less probability mass around the +1/-1 SD so the probability mass is distributed from the +1/-1 SD to the mean and the tail in order to remain the same mean and SD as normal dis does the distribution however has similar mean and SD as the normal dis does
Reasons for Fat tail
the normal dis assume unconditional dis, the dis is independent for the market condition and new information but dis is actually conditionally distribute. if the distribution is conditionally dis, then the first two moments, mean and SD, is also conditional so the reason for fat tail is: 1. mean is conditionally distribute, ie time varying 2. SD is conditionally distribute, ie time varying
does fat tail caused by time varying mean?
unlikely, because market is efficient enough to absorb all the new information, so time varying mean is unlikely.
does fat tail caused by time varying volatility?
likely, volatility is time varying. uncertainty in different point of time(major central bank decision) is different
what is regime-switching volatility model?
assume different market regime exist with high or low volatility but never in between in different time period. the conditional dis is always normal but with time varying volatility
Implication from the regime switching volatility model
under unconditional dis, extreme event is unlikely because it based on constant volatility if the dis is conditionally dis with different volatility, then unconditional dis under estimate the probability of extreme event because the probability of extreme move in the conditional dis with high volatility is higher than the probability in the unconditional dis
method for VAR
(1)historical based approach: parametric approach, non-parametric approach and hybrid approach (2)implied volatility approach parametric approach: assumption of the underlying distribution ie if the distribution follows random walk, the future variance equals to :….(so the parameter of the distribution has to be define) non-parametric approach: no assumption of the underlying distribution.
parametric approach: determined the volatility (exponential smoothing)
The weight on the past data is decline exponentially, with the closet highest.
how to handle the residual weight in the exponential smoothing method
the difference between the exponential weight method and the standardized method?
exponential weight place more weight on the recent observation, while the standardized method place equal weight
if the sample size is small, the weight of the standardized method will increase. so the extreme observation will have greater impact, regardless where the observation lies in
Adaptive volatility estimation and the meaning of the weight
Higher weight means our belief will not changed dramatically from the last period’s volatility even new information arrived.
why GARCH is in general better than the exponential smoothing method?
Because GARCH is more general and less restrict
what are the three common non-parametric method to estimate VAR?
- historical simulation
- multivariate density estimation
- hybrid
advantage of non-parametric method over the parametric method for estimate VAR
- it does not require assumption of the underlying distribution
- therefore the fat tail, skewness will not be a problem in the estimation process( since the underlying distribution is the true distribution)
- MDE approach allow weight to vary based on how relevant the data is to the current market environment, regardless of the timing of the data
- Hybrid approach does not require distribution assumptions because it uses a historical
simulation approach with an exponential weighting scheme