QUANTEC Flashcards
Dmax < 54Gy (<5% risk CN palsy or necrosis)
D1-10cc = 59Gy (<5% risk CN palsy or necrosis)
SRS: Dmax <12.5 Gy (<5% risk CN palsy or necrosis)
Spinal Cord
Dmax=50Gy (0.2% myelopathy)
Dmax=60Gy (6% myelopathy)
Dmax=70 Gy (50% myelopathy)
SRS: Dmax=13Gy (1% myelopathy)
Dmax <60 Gy (<3% symptomatic necrosis)
Dmax = 72 Gy (5% symptomatic necrosis)
Dmax = 90 Gy (10% symptomatic necrosis)
SRS: V12 < 5-10cc (<20% symptomatic necrosis)
Mean <45 Gy (hypopit)
Optic Nerve/Chiasm
Dmax <55Gy (<3% optic neuropathy)
Dmax = 55-60Gy (optic neuropathy 3-7%)
Dmax >60Gy (>7-20% optic neuropathy)
SRS: Dmax < 12 Gy (<10% optic neuropathy)
Dmax =45Gy (Blindness)
TD5/5: 45Gy
TD50/5: 65Gy
Dmean <= 45 Gy (<30% sensory-neural hearing loss)
Dmax = 10Gy (Cataract requiring intervention)
TD5/5: 10Gy
TD50/5: 18Gy
Lacrimal Gland
Mean <20Gy
Mean <34Gy (5% risk dry eye syndrome, Bhandare)
Parotid, bilateral
Dmean <=25 Gy (<20% risk long term salivary function <1/4 baseline)
Dmean <= 39Gy ( risk long term salivary function <1/4 baseline)
Parotid, Unilateral
Dmean <=20Gy (<20% risk long term salivary function <1/4 baseline)
Submandibular gland
Bilateral mean < 25 Gy
Unilateral mean < 20Gy
Oral Cavity
Dmean <50Gy (mucositis)
Pharyngeal constrictors
Dmean <= 50 Gy (<20% symptomatic dysphagia and aspiration)
Dmax <66Gy (<20% risk vocal dysfxn)
Dmean <50Gy (<30% risk aspiration)
Dmean <44Gy (<20% risk edema)
V50 < 27% (<20% risk edema)
Dmean <25Gy (pain)
Dmax <70Gy, or <73.5 if in PTV (Osteoradionecrosis)
TD5/5 - 65/60/60Gy
TD50/5: 77/72/72Gy –> marked limitation of joint fxn
Mean < 25-35 Gy (hypothyroid) Emami (Whole gland): (clinical hypothyroid) TD8/5 - 45Gy TD 13/5 - 60 Gy TD 35/5 - 70 Gy
Brachial Plexus
Dmax<60-63Gy (clinically apparent neuropathy)
Emami (1/2, 2/3, 3/3) - (clinically apparent neuropathy):
TD5/5 - 62/61/60Gy
TD50/5 - 77/76/75Gy
Cauda Equina
Emami (no volumes) - clinically apparent neuropathy
TD5/5 - 60 Gy
TD50/5 - 75 Gy
Lung (-GTV)
V20 <=30% (can accept up to 35; <20% risk symptomatic pneumonitis)
Mean < 7, 12, 20, 24, 27Gy (5, 10, 20, 30, 40% risk symptomatic pneumonitis)
V5<60% (clinical data)
Heart (pericardium)
Mean < 26 Gy (<15% risk pericarditis)
V30<46% (<15% risk pericarditis)
Heart (whole organ)
V25 < 10% (<1% long term cardiac mortality)
Mean < 34Gy (5-20% risk grade 3+ esophagitis)
V35< 50% (<30% risk grade 2+ esophagitis)
V50 < 40% (<30% risk grade 2+ esophagitis)
V70 <20% (<30% risk grade 2+ esophagitis)
Liver (normal fxn)
mean <30-32 Gy (<5% RILD)
Mean <42 Gy (<50% RILD)
Liver (child pugh A or HCC)
Mean < 28Gy (<5% RILD)
Mean < 36Gy (<50% RILD)
Kidney (bilateral)
Mean <15-18Gy (<5% risk clinical dysfxn) Mean < 28 Gy (<50% risk clinical dysfxn) V12 <55% (<5% risk clinical dysfxn) V20<32% (<5% risk clinical dysfxn) V23<30% (<5% risk clinical dysfxn) V28<20% (<5% risk clinical dysfxn)
D100<45Gy (<7% ulceration)