Quant condensed Flashcards
Describe nominal, ordinal, discrete continuous data, structred vs unstructured and CS, TS and panel and alternative data?
What types of data should be used in the following: Histogram and frequency polygon, Bar chart, tree map, word cloud, line chart, scatter plot, heat map.
Which graph to use when showing a relationship vs a comparison?
What is a random variable, outcome, event?
What are empirical, piori and subjective probabilities?
What are the multiplication, factorial, multinomial, combination and permutation number of ways?
What is the definition for probability distribution, random variable, probability function and cumulative distribution function?
What is a bernouli random variable?
What are the three properties of the standard normal distribution?
A multivariate normal distribution is described by what variables?
Describe the t-distribution?
Describe the Chi^2 distribution?
What are the four steps to a monte-carlo estimation?
What is probability sampling, simple random, systematic, stratified and cluster?
What is convenience sampling, judgmental sampling, what is sample error and sampling distribution of the sample means?
What are three desirable qualities of an estimator, which confidence interval for which situation?