Quality Management Standards and Code of Ethics Flashcards
Definition: Quality control for an audit of financial statements
PSA 220
Definition: Quality management for firms that perform audits or reviews of financial statements, or other assurance or related services engagement
Definition: Engagement quality reviews
Identification: Period for documented independence confirmation
At least annually
Identification: Period for monitoring cycle
Identification: Period for inspection cycle
3 years
Identification: Time on of rotation of senior personnel
7 years
Identification: Cooling period of Lead Audit Partner
5 years
Identification: Cooling period of Engagement quality control reviewer
3 years
Identification: Cooling period of other key audit partners
2 years
Definition: Partners and staff in the firm
Definition: Professionals, other than partners, including any experts the firm employs
Definition: All partners and staff who perform procedures on the engagement, excluding external expert and internal auditor
Engagement team
Definition: Sole practitioner, partnership or corporation
FITB: Engagement quality control review is required for _
Listed entities
FITB: PSQM 1 applies to _, while PSA 220 applies to _
Assurance engagements, audits
Identification: In case of conflict of Code of Ethics with local laws, which shall prevail?
Local laws
Enumeration: Enumerate the titles for Code of Ethics Part A, B, and C
Part A - General Application
Part B - Public practice
Part C - Accountants in business
Enumeration: Fundamental Principles of Code of Ethics
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Professional competence and due care
- Confidentiality
- Professional behavior