Quality Management Flashcards
What is quality function deployment?
Take customer expectations and transforms them into specific actions designed to meet those expectations.
What is conformance?
degree to which a product’s design and operating characteristics match pre-established standards.
What is SPC?
Statistical process control (SPC) is the use of statistical methods to determine when a process that produces a good or service is getting close to producing an unacceptable level of defects.
Who is Dr. W. Edwards Deming?
the most influential individual within the specialty of quality. Deming began his career as a statistician and became involved in quality when he worked with Walter Shewhart, the founding father of statistical process control. His influence on the Japanese was so great that today, Japan’s highest prize for quality is the Deming Prize. Surprisingly, Deming was largely ignored in the United States until the 1980s. Beginning in the 1980s, Deming lectured extensively to large audiences throughout the country until his death in 1993. He created 14 points for the transformation of management.
Who is Joseph M. Juran?
Joseph M. Juran, who was an active lecturer until 1995 when he retired, was also a colleague of Walter Shewhart, and lectured and taught in Japan after World War II. Like Deming, Juran emphasized management’s responsibility for ensuring quality. Juran, however, focused on the customer by defining quality as “fitness for use.” He also emphasized the need for continuous improvement and stressed that quality must be built on three elements: quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement.
Who is Philip Crosby?
Philip Crosby became internationally recognized with the publication of his 1979 book, Quality Is Free. In that book, and in later publications, he argues that failure costs are much greater than most companies had thought. By reducing failure costs, companies can save money, hence the title of Crosby’s book. Crosby is most often recognized for emphasizing the importance of considering all costs of quality. He is also responsible for promoting the idea that all errors must be eliminated, indicated by his slogan “do it right the first time,” and the concept of zero defects as a measurable object.
Who is Genichi Taguchi?
Taguchi first gained prominence shortly after World War II, working with research facilities to develop Japan’s telephone system. After noticing that considerable time and effort were expended in experimentation and testing, Taguchi developed procedures for designing experiments so that more information could be obtained with fewer experiments. Taguchi has also contributed an entire philosophy about how products should be designed, and that philosophy now forms an important part of quality management.
Who is Kaoru Ishikawa?
He developed methodologies to help identify cause-and-effect characteristics and to develop teamwork for quality leadership. The Ishikawa diagram, also known as the fishbone diagram, helps to identify factors that may contribute to dependent outcomes. The main factors are categorized as People, Machines, Methods, Measurements, Materials, and Environment and within each category causes are considered that may have intentional or unintentional consequences that influence quality performance.
Additionally, Ishikawa was instrumental in developing quality circles. This term refers to a group of colleagues or co-workers who meet to discuss, analyze, and eliminate work-related quality issues.
What is total quality management?
An Approach to quality management that originated in Japan and was adopted successfully by many companies throughout the world
What components TQM embodies?
Focus on the customer, quality function deployment, responsibility for quality, team problem-solving, employee training and fact-based management
What is the Deming Wheel?
Plan-do-check-act cycle or Shewart cycle. Shape of the wheel embodies the philosophy of continuous improvement,
What is benchmarking?
a process by which a company compares its performance to the performance of other companies.
What are the 5 steps of methodology for Six Sigma?
Define, measure, analyze, improve and control DMAIC process
What type of charts are used to view the frequency of errors, the relationship of errors and the range of errors?
Scatterplot, Pareto charts, histograms, and run charts
What is the 5S process for improved control when implementing six sigma?
Sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain
What is a SIPOC chart?
defines the Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer relationships in a process