qualitative research (Definition, characteristics, research methods & analysis) Flashcards
what is a hypothesis?
an assumption, theory or tentative statement based on limited evidence or a relationship between variables which can be tested, verified or falsified
quan not qual
what is a qualitative research question?
a (broad) question that seeks to explore experiences and meaning-making of a particular topic (Braun and Clark, 2014)
what is a sample?
a selected set of participants recruited to the research from the population or topic under study (Gratton and Jones, 2004)
what is data?
the information collected by researchers which they analyse to draw their findings and conclusions (Jones, Holloway and Brown, 2013 p.199)
what is research? (Burton and Bartlett, 2009 p.3)
the systematic gathering, presenting and analysing of data
what is the general definition of research?
a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical info; and analysis and interpretation of the data/info, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines
develops our critical thinking skills as we learn about what works, what doesn’t work and why
what is the purpose of research?
information: acquire new knowledge, find answers, solutions to problems
facilitating change: disrupt and enhance practice, new ways of doing things, improve experiences
ethical issues: prevent harm, reduce waste, improve life conditions, social change
academic mission: interest, profile, contributions, enterprise
what are the two types of research?
qualitative - describing or understanding the quality of something
quantitative - measuring, or measured by the quantity of something
influenced by different paradigms - a set of commonly held beliefs and assumptions within a research community
what is all research underpinned by?
philosophical ideas about what is real (ontology), how we know things (epistemology) and how we can find things out (methodology)
what is quantitative research in general?
- numbers
- emphasis on measurement/counting
- general statements about people as groups
- looks to prove causal relationships
- sets hypotheses
- deductive (testing theory)
what is qualitative research in general?
- words/images - meaning
- (usually) no counting
- emphasis on individuals’ experiences and feelings
- no hypotheses
- inductive (builds theory)
what are research paradigms?
“all research sets out to find things. some sets out to find universal laws of nature. others embark on a journey to collect stories” (Fryer, 2020 p.9)
what is ontology?
the philosophy of knowledge, ‘the study of being’ (Crotty, 1998, p.10)
what is epistemology?
philosophical study of how knowledge is acquired, ‘the nature and forms of knowledge’ (Cohen et al., 2007 p.7)
what is methodology
the framework that guides decisions about the research approach
what are methods?
the tools used to collect data
what is constructivism?
multiple truths
reflects the social sciences and is interested in the ways people make sense of their experiences and the world around them
what is the ontological position (relativism)?
‘this conceives the social reality as humanly constructed and shaped in ways that make it fluid and multifaceted’ (Sparkers and Smith, 2014 p.11)
what is the epistemological position: contructivism?
‘the world does not exist independently of our knowledge of it’ (Grix, 2004 p.91)
multiple realities
what are the characteristics of constructivism?
context: ‘the social world can only be understood from the standpoint of individuals who are participating in it’ (Cohen et al., 2007 p.19)
rich detail: interpretivist research makes room for and values all of the complexity that positivist cannot accomodate. It is organic, open-ended and explanatory
researcher role: the researcher is an intrinsic part of research; they are the main instrument so will bring their biases with them which they examine via a process of reflexivity.
what is qualitative paradigm?
“what a qualitative paradigm tells us is that useful knowledge can be generated by looking at meaning, with small samples, that the researcher should not theorise themselves as absent or removed from this process. It also locates knowledge as contextual, and always partial and as linked to a particular theoretical and methodological commitments” (Braun and Clarke, 2013 p.33)
what is qualitative research?
the most basic definition of qualitative research is that it uses words as data, collected and analysed in all sorts of ways” (Braun and Clark, 2013 p.3)
no clear-cut and all-encompassing definition, reflects its complex nature
Avis (2005) argues each aspect of qualitative research is contested and subject to controversy i.e. what is is, what it’s for, how it’s done and how it’s judged
many authors favour the idea that qualitative research is an umbrella term for a broad, vibrant and diverse collective or camp of researchers and research (Sparkes and Smith, 2014)
what did Lincoln (2010) define qualitative research as capturing some of that diversity?
“we are interpretivists, postmodernists, poststructuralists; we are phenomenological, feminist critical. we choose lenses that are border, racial, ethnic, hybrid, queer, differently abled, indigenous, margin, centre, other” (p.8)
leads to richness and elaboration
what are qualitative questions?
qualitative research does not seek to test a hypothesis but instead is guided by research questions
research questions allow for the uncovering of rich detail and thick description that capture the subjectivities of human experience
what is a quote about qualitative researchers?
qualitative researchers have a wide range of data sources and data collection techniques to draw on, including participant observation, interviews (of various kinds), documentary sources, and visual methods (for example, photography, film) to name a few” (Sparkes and SMith, 2014 p.67)
this means that: as long as your methods align with your research question and with your participants