Qualitative Research Flashcards
What does a qualitative approach explore?
Experiences, cultures or situations in depth
What data sources are used in qualitative research?
Narrative, words, documents and graphical material
Why is data analysed in qualitative research?
To identify themes, issues, relationships, concepts and sometimes to develop theory
What is qualitative data
Data from a natural setting
Rich in content and description
Essential to develop in-depth understanding
Allows researchers to explore the experiences of participants, to look at meaning through/ in culture and to discover variables rather than test them
What methods are used to collect qualitative data
Interviews Observation Focus groups Documents Questionnaires
What is phenomenology
Explores meaning of individual life events/experiences
Concerned with exploring individuals perceptions of their experiences
What is the purpose of phenomenology
To find insights that apply more generally beyond the cases studied
What is descriptive phenomenology
Uses ‘bracketing’ of preconceptions and attempts to arrive at the essences I’d experienced phenomena
What is interpretive phenomenology
Used interpretation and ‘sensitising’ to highlight important themes. Enhances understanding in readers by presenting ‘plots’ or stories
What is interpretive phenomenology based on
Philosophical insights of : Heidegger, gadamer, ricoeur
What does interpretive phenomenology aim to do
To demonstrate how different peoples understanding come together to achieve broad insights
What does ethnography involve
An in-depth study of a culture or group and its members. Usually involving extended amounts of field work
What methods does ethnography use
Combines observation with other methods such as interviewing and document analysis to produce ‘thick description’
What views does ethnography explore
Lexplores emic (participants/insider) and etic (researcher/outsider) views
What does grounded data do
Generate theory from the data sources, especially where little is known about a topic or a new perspective is needed.