Qualitative Analysis Flashcards
whats oxidising and reducing flame?
flame test shortcut of VIBGYOR
Lijiye(Li) Shahrukh(Sr) aur Catrina(Ca) Ranbir(Rb) Ke(K) Saath(Cs) Pagal(Pb) hue aur Kyu(Cu) Baarat(Ba) mai Naache(Na)
borax bead test reaction and properties abt which step is in which flame part?
borax bead colors of Cu,Fe,Cr,Co,Ni,Mn in oxidising and reducing flame?
which anions are tested with dilute and concentrated sulphuric acid!?
carbonate preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
CO2 is the product acquired used for testing!
Sulphite preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
SO2 is the product acquired used for testing!
Sulphide preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
H2S is the product acquired used for testing
thiosulphate preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
SO2 is the acquired product and the properties are same as the SO2 acquired in sulphite testing
Acetate preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
Dimeric vapour of acetic acid is the acquired product
nitrite preliminary test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
NO2 is the acquired product
its reddish brown and odd electron and paramagnetic and forms a dimer N2O4
Fluoride test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
HF is the acquired product
it’s not stored in a glass bottle since it reacts with SiO2 to form H2SiF4 and melts it! actually, that’s how also the presence of HF is tested!
Chloride,Bromide and Iodide test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
HCl,HBr,HI is the acquired product
Nitrate test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
NO2 is the acquired product
Oxalate test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
CO2 is the acquired product
Borate test with acid and the product formed and the properties of the acquired product
H2BO3 is the acquired product
property shown is that when borate salt is taken in flame! it shows green color which isn’t shown by any other compound
Confirmatory test for carbon dioxide reactions and the product acquired
CO2 is treated with Ca(OH)2 or Ba(OH)2 and forms the carbonate salt
also the Ba(OH)2 is also called baryta water
Comment abt the solubility of Carbonates and colors!
Confirmatory test for CO2 with K2MnO4
Confirmatory test for Sulphite
Comment abt the solubility of SO3 2- salts!
Confirmatory test for thiosulphate
S obtained is treates with CN- and forms SCN- which then reacted with Fe3+ to form a blood red precipitate
which thiosulphates are water soluble
thai gai (sab soluble in water) except Aaj(Ag) Bhi(Bi) Kyu(Cu) Nahi(Ni(en)3) Honge(Hg,Hg2+) Baap(Ba) Pagal(Pb)
reaction for forming thiosulphate salt and then its sulphide
confirmatory test for nitrite
comment on nitrites solubility in water
Nitrates(nahaya) and everything dissovles in nahana(water)
Aaj(Ag) Kyu(Cu) Hug(Hg) kiya
confirmatory test for sulphide
confirmatory test for sulphide
Aaj(Ag) Honge(Hg) PAgal(Pb) they all preipcatet very easily
PAgal(Pb) kutta(Cu) bhi(Bi) hogaya(Hg) kaid (Cd)
Sabse(Sb) Sundar(Sn) Aastha(As)
comment on sulphides color
Confirmatory test for acetate
comment on solubility for acetate
confirmatory test for fluorides and comment on solubility of fluorides
all are soluble except! Mere(Mg) Prabhu(Pb) Sarkaar(Sr,Ca)
comment on solubility of chlorides,bromides and iodides
Aaj(Ag) Kyu(Cu) Honge(Hg) Prabhu(Pb) Haazir(Gf) Bhaiii(BiI3)
layer test for halogens
whats chromyl chloride test?
confirmatory test for nitrates
confirmatory test for oxalates
comment on the solubility of oxalates
comment on the solubility of chromate and dichromate
aaj(Ag) honge(Hg) sree(Sr) bhi(Bi) pavan(Pb)
permanganate reactions in acidic/mild basic/alkalines medium
reaction to form permanganate and manganate
confirmatory test for phosphate
Basic radicals present in each group
Grp 1:- Aaj(Ag) Pagal(Pb) Honge(Hg)
Grp 2A:- Pagal(Pb) Cutta(Cu) Bhi(Bi) Hogaya(Hg) Caid(Ca)
Grp 2B:- Sabse(Sb) Sundar (Sn) Aastha(As)
Grp 3:- Car(Ca) par Aloo(Al) Feke(Fe)
Grp 4:- NiCo (Ni,Co) Man(Mn) aur Zaan(Zn)
Grp 5:- Baap(Ba) chalayega SarCaar(Sr,Ca)
Grp 6:- Na(Na) Maango(Mg) Kutta(K)
Analysis of Group 2
Analysis of Group 1
Analysis for Cu,Bi,Cd
Analysis for Group 3
Analysis For Group 4
Analysis for NiS CoS
Analysis for Group 5
Analysis for group 6
Nessler’s Reagent Test
Analysis fro Group 0