Qualitative Flashcards
What are the 12 core strategies of qualitative inquiry?
naturalist inquiry
emergent design flexibility
purposeful sampling
qualitative data
personal experience & engagement
empathetic neutrality and mindfulness
dynamic systems perspective
unique case orientation
inductive analysis & creative synthesis
holistic perspective
context sensitivity
There are 6 frameworks for undertaking qualitative research. What are they?
grounded theory
narrative inquiry
action research
pragmatism & generic qualitative inquiry
What is phenomenology?
a framework that aims to provide rich descriptions of experience as it is lived
What is ethnography?
a framework that aims to describe and interpret culture or its subgroups
What is grounded theory?
a framework that aims to explore social processes and to generate explanatory theories of human behaviour which are grounded in the data
What is narrative inquiry?
a framework that aims to understand meaning individuals give to experiences
analysing the narrative people give (use of metaphors etc)
What is action research?
a framework that aims to change something through systematic cycles of action and reflection
What is pragmatism and generic qualitative inquiry?
a framework that aims to strive for practical understandings and wisdom about concrete, real-world issues
any information that has no useful application is useless
How can you enhance rigour in qualitative studies?
reflexivity, member checking, peer review, triangulation
What are the three types of qualitative data analysis techniques?
content analysis
thematic analysis
framework analysis
When and how is content analysis used in qualitative research?
it is applied to the content of documents and other written forms of communication to identify concepts and categories often taking into consideration the frequency in which these appear.
manifest content analysis deals with visible and obvious components of the data while latent content analysis involves interpretation of the underlying meaning.
When and how is thematic analysis used in qualitative research?
similar to content analyis but usually on a smaller scale with more emphasis on generating rich and nuanced interpretations
When and how is framework analysis used in qualitative research?
uses pre-defined themes or categories that will be used to organise and analyse data