Qualified and Traditional IRA Flashcards
At what age does the early withdrawal penalty no longer apply for a Traditional IRA?
A shareholder, who is not yet 59 ½, takes a distribution from their IRA. Since they use this
to visit the Grand Canyon on vacation, they may incur an early withdrawal penalty of _____.
10 percent
At what age can a shareholder begin to make catch-up contributions to a Traditional IRA?
Another name for the optional federal tax we withhold from IRA distributions is _____?
A shareholder can take a distribution from a traditional IRA and then roll it over tax and
penalty free within _______. This is allowed ________ in a 12-month period per SSN.
60 days/once
Can someone with annual earnings of $4500 contribute to a traditional IRA?
Yes, they can invest 100% of their earned income or up to maximum annual contribution
whichever is less.
How long can SHs contribute to a traditional IRA?
As long as they earn income.