QS Assessments Flashcards
A self-report test that assesses a person’s commitment to the set of attitudes, values,
and behaviors that are characteristically seen in a bureaucratic environment.
Work Environment Preference Schedule
A self-report test that measures the vocational maturity of adolescents.
Career Development Inventory
A self-report true/false test that measures the social and environmental characteristics
of families. The test assesses how family members perceive their family environment within relationship, personal growth, and system maintenance.
Family Environment Scale
Used with individuals grade 9 through adults, this test is applied in vocational counseling, rehabilitation, and occupational selection settings. The test measures nine distinct aptitudes.
General Aptitude Test Battery
A test used with those in grades 8-12 to measure a student’s interest towards dealing
with people, data, and things.
Ohio Vocational Interest Survey
Often used with individuals who may be aphasic, non English speakers, deaf, learning disabled, or suffering from a condition that renders them nonverbal, this test measures abstract problem solving ability.
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
A parent/caregiver and teacher each complete a rating scale to measure the behaviors of an individual aged 3-21 to assess the child’s performance of developmentally-appropriate life skills.
Vineland Adaptive Bx Scale
A forced-choice personality inventory used with individuals 16-85. The test measures personality variables related to needs, which includes achievement, dominance,
endurance, and order.
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
A self-report test used with individuals 16 and older to assess patterns of behavior,
attitudes, and symptoms associated with alcohol use and abuse.
Alcohol Use Inventory
This test is designed to be used with adults 16 and older. The test scores 16 primary
personality scales and 5 global personality scales in order to help individuals choose
careers that suit those traits.
16 Personality Factor Questionnaire
A self-report questionnaire used with adolescents and adults that assesses for eating
disorders and obesity prior to and after treatment based on cognitive control of eating,
disinhibition, and hunger.
Eating Inventory
Used to assess the six dimensions of the McMaster Model of Family Functioning which includes: communication, problem-solving, effective responsiveness, effective
involvement, roles of each family member, & behavior control.
Family Assessment Device
Ten abstract images are shown to a subject in order to assess personality characteristics and any underlying thought disorders among children and adults.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
This test measures intelligence in children when verbal expression is difficult by asking them to draw 3 pictures: a man, a woman, and themselves.
Draw a Person Test
Used with individuals 18 and older this test measures the nature and extent of conflict
within a marriage. The test is generally used in the beginning of marital therapy as a way to guide treatment.
Marital Satisfaction Inventory
A self-report true/false test that measures the social and environmental characteristics of families. The test assesses how family members perceive their family environment within relationship, personal growth, and system maintenance.
Family Environment Scale
This test helps individuals choose among educational and career options based on
strengths and weaknesses.
Differential Aptitude Tests
An intelligence scaled used with adults (16+) to measure one’s cognitive ability or intelligence
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Generally used with individuals 15 and older, this test measures occupational interests for individuals both college and non-college bound.
Career Assessment Inventory
This test is used with children ages 6-17 and assesses the child for depression when it is
Children’s Depression Inventory
This test gains an understanding of how families cope with various situational stressors throughout their life by measuring flexibility and cohesion in the family system.
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES-IV)
An objective true/false test used with adults to measure psychopathology and
personality characteristics.
Minnesota Multi phasic Personality Inventory
Self-report inventory that is used with individuals 13 and older to measure the severity of
Beck Depression Inventory
Children, ages 5-17, identify patterns in designs in this nonverbal test to assess a child’s reasoning abilities. This is particularly used when language may affect the assessment.
Matrix Analogies Test
This test helps to predict a couple’s readiness for marriage by helping couples understand each other’s families of origin, assess for differences in outlook, and address
areas that need attention.
Premarital Personal and Relational Evaluation
This interest inventory matches one’s skills and interests to specific careers or
occupations and is most often used with high school and college students along with
Self Directed Search
This test can be administered to parents, teachers, and adolescents in order to evaluate behavior problems while assessing for ADHD in children 3-17.
Conner’s Rating Scale
Administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command to determine
qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
A projective test given to individuals ages 5 and older. This test is commonly used to assess personality and gain insight into the subject’s view of the world and attitudes towards the self and others.
Thematic Apperception Test
This test is used with children ages 6-17 and assesses the child for depression when it is
Children’s Depression Inventory
A self-report test that measures marital satisfaction/quality and marital adjustment
based on four subscales: marital satisfaction, cohesion, consensus, and affective
Dyadic Adjustment Scale
Most often used for students that are college-bound, or already in college, to measure a
person’s career interests.
Kuder Career Interest Assessment
A standardized test that measures intelligence & cognitive abilities in children and adults from two through mature adulthood by measuring verbal reasoning, abstract/ visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and short term memory.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
Used with ages 3-10, the child is shown 10 images of animals in various social situations to measure social-emotional components of personality.
Children’s Apperception Test
Children, ages 5-17, identify patterns in designs in this nonverbal test to assess a child’s
reasoning abilities. This is particularly used when language may affect the assessment.
Matrix Analogies Test
A semi-structured test that measures indications of attitudes, beliefs, motivations, or mental states.
Sentence Completion Test
This test asks a child to circle “yes” or “no” on written statements that describe feelings
or behavior in order to assess anxiety.
Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
This is a subjective test that measures a child’s personality by asking them to draw a house, tree, and a person.
House Tree Person Test
Used to assess the six dimensions of the McMaster Model of Family Functioning which includes: communication, problem-solving, effective responsiveness, effective
involvement, roles of each family member, & behavior control.
Family Assessment Device
A self-report inventory that consists of 21 questions and measures clinical anxiety.
Beck Anxiety Inventory
This test asks a parent or relative to describe who their child is and how their relationship with the child is in a short monologue. This is used to assess expressed emotion in relatives of patients with psychiatric disorders.
5 Minute Speech Sample
A self-report test where an individual ranks work values that are important to them in
order to measure the emphasis an individual puts on intellectual stimulation, a sense of
belonging, and security.
Donald Super’s Work Values Inventory
A family interview is conducted to assess the family functioning and the overall health or
pathology of the family.
McMaster Clinical Scale Rating
An intensive interview used to measure criticism and the over-involvement of family members.
Camberwell Family Interview
This test is generally used with children ages 3-11 and is used to assess a child’s visual-motor development and psychological functioning.
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test II
Self-report inventory that is used with individuals 13 and older to measure the severity of
Beck Depression Inventory
This test measures psychological preference in how people perceive their world and
make decisions. It can be used to recommend occupations based on four codes:
Extrovert/Introvert, Sensing/Intuitive, Thinking/Feeling, & Judging/Perceiving.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
This test measures intelligence in children when verbal expression is difficult by asking
them to draw 3 pictures: a man, a woman, and themselves.
Draw-a-Person Test
A child is asked to draw a picture of everyone in the family to measure self-perception, family relationships, and dynamics within the family interactions.
Kinetic Family Drawing
This test is used in relationships ranging from friendship to marriage and measures both
expected and perceived intimacy.
Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships
This self-report inventory assesses for the presence of eating disorders based upon
Eating Disorder Inventory
Based on Holland’s 6 categories, this test measures a person’s interests in order to help
them decide on an appropriate career.
Strong Interest Inventory
Used with children 6-16 years old, this intelligence test determines the strengths and
weaknesses in the learning ability of a child.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Used with both adolescents and adults to identify individuals who have a high probability
of having substance use disorders.
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory
One of the oldest alcohol screening tests that is used to identify dependent drinkers.
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
Used only with adults, this test is designed to assess DSM-related disorders, including 14
personality scales and 10 clinical syndrome scales.
Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-Fourth Edition