Qs Flashcards
What does femoral nerve do?
Hip flexion
All of the following cause visceral pain EXCEPT
Which of the following does NOT have somatic motor innervation?
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
What does lateral femoral cutaneous not have?
Somatic motor
is ONLY sensory
What does obturator not have?
All of the following nerves imerge from the psoas major EXCEPT?
(iliogastric, femoral, and ilio-inguinal do)
All of the following relationships are correct except
stomach and mesentery
stomach does have a mesentery, but it is not refered to as just mesentery (this is found with the intestines)
What is the ligament teres is a remnant of?
umbilical vein
How many rings does indirect inguinal hernia go through?
What is in normally fucntioning adult that is left over from embryonic development?
Lateral umbilical ligament
(T/F) Superior epigastric run on superior portion of rectus abdominus
Layers of skin to DEEP
what is not result from parasympathetic?
retention of urine and feces
Which don’t have mesentery?
Which is not 2 ̊ retroperitoneal
Gas bubble in standing adult?
Which not branch of celiac?
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal
comes from superior mesenteric
The celiac trunk supplies all of the following EXCEPT
suppiles liver pancreas and gallbladder
(T/F)Right renal vein crosses anterior to aorta
Which don’t drain into IVC?
Portal Vein
goes into the liver
The superior mesenteric vein and which of the following join to form the portal vein?
splenic vein
All of the following relationships are correct except (#2)
falciform ligament: obliterated umbilical vein
What point visceral pain axons slit forms sympathetic motor nerves?
juction of ventral and dorsal root
Sympathetics inhibit internal urinary sphincter
para inhibts!!!! (cause it to relax)
Preferred method of entry into lesser sac?
Epiploic foramen
Caldocentesis takes sample from?
Rectouterine pouch
Tail of pancreas-
in linorenal ligament
is a mesentery
McBurney’s point
where you can find appendix
Which ligament does short gastric artery run through?
Gastrosplenic (ligament)
between stomach and spleen
What is lateral arcuate ligament associated with?
Quadratus lumborum
ligament is an arch near aorta hiatus (is the outer most)
Which isn’t in portal hepatis?
within hepatoduodenal
Hepatic vein
takes blood from liver to IVC (portal is entering liver)
All of the following are in the spermatic cord except
a. internal spermatic fascia
b.ductus deferens
c. external spermatic fascia
d. parietal peritoneum
Referred pain of appendix?
spinal cord
Femoral nerve associated with?
section of spinal cord
Sympathetics for hindgut?
spinal cord
Where does bile enter GI tract?
2nd segment at duodenum
Which part of the duodenum has the major and minor duodenal papilla?
Which not in spermatic cord?
Transversus abdominus
what lies posterior to the rectus abdominus?
transversalis fascia
What is posterior (deep) to the Rectus sheath?
Transversalis fascia
Where is ligamentum venosum?
Left sagittal fissure
on liver
all of the following have an insertion formed by the ending of their respective aponeurosis on the line alba except
rectus abdominus
insertion on xiphoiod (goes up and down)
is what forms Abs
Which is 2 ̊ retroperitoneal?
- Pancreas (head, neck, & body)
- Duodenum (2nd & 3rd)
- Ascending Colon
- Descending Colon
- Upper Recutum
anwser was not listed but these are the only ones that are
Renal pelvis is most posterior in
there may be more to this question this was all that was listed
Where does the gastroepiploic artery run?
also know as right gastoomental artery
Gastrocolic (liagment)
located on the bottom of the stomach
What doesn’t empty into the IVC?
the gut
Where does the right gastrohepatic ligament lie?
Between liver and stomach
it is apart of the lesser omentum which is a mescentary
Where is the referred pain of the appendix?
Skin surrounding umbilicus
What part of the stomach is visible in an xray?
Arrangement of the portal hepatis?
within the hepatoduodenal ligament
Portal Vein (Posterior) Hepatic artery (anterior-left) Common bile duct (anterior-right)
Which part of the pancreas is mesenteric?
(not retroperitoneal)
Psoas shadow is a good landmark to estimate what organ?
obturator nerve has what function on leg?
Adduction of leg (L2-L4 obturator nerve supplies adductor muscles of the thigh)
What nerve do anterior compartment of thigh (leg)?
Femoral nerve
Where does lymph in skin around xiphoid process drain?
Axillary nodes
What nerves/axons would you cut through if you sliced the mesentery of SI several inches before the body wall?
Post-synaptic sympathetic, presynaptic parasympathetic
Which of these is primarily retroperitoneal?
Suprarenal gland
never had a mesentery
Which organ is entirely mesenteric?
In late pregnancy which nerve is compressed between the anterior superior iliac and the inguinal ligament?
Lateral femoral cutaneous
the lower border of the aponeurosis of which of the following forms the inguinal ligament?
external oblique
A person standing up, what is most easily seen in a radiograph?
What is the most common position of the appendix?
In who is indirect inguinal hernia most commonly found?
Infant male
Which type of hernia is shown in picture?
exits superfical ring
medial to epigastric vessel exits at the superficial