qoutes pt 2 Flashcards
Yellow- 💛
Power and hierarchy
- ’ ‘keep your place
Curley’s wife threatens Crooks, telling Him to’ ‘keep your place lest she get him lynched
Pink- 💗
- “made me forget”- Crooks suggests that talking to Lennie the reality of his situation
- “Let em”
George is determined not to “ let em” hurt Lennie - ” You hadda”
Slim is the only one who understands what George has done. He tells him” You hadda”
Blue- 💙
- Awful Lonely”
Curley’s wife gets “ awful lonely”, because she never gets to talk to anyone but Curley, lest he get “mad”
- “meanness, discontent and ache for attention”
Once Curley’s wife has died the “meanness, discontent and ache for attention” disappears from her face.
Green- 💚
Hopes and dreams
- You and me’
After their dream is shattered Candy desperately suggests to George that ” You and me’, can still get the ranch.
red- ❤️
- “ jus forget it”
After initially wanting to join the dream ranch Crooks ends up saying… “ jus forget it”
- “ made something”
Curley’s wife suggests to Lennie that she ‘ coulda “ made something” of herself - “ never do her
George says that deep down he knew they’d “ never do her”. Referring to the dream of the ranch - Blinded with tears”
When Candy realised the dream of the ranch was dead his eyes became “ Blinded with tears”
-I tried and tried”.
Lennie has an imaginary conversation with his aunt and tells her “ I tried and tried”.