QM Flashcards
What is the QM323 Decision making framework?
define objectives/choices, analyze data/model, define risks & perform sensitivity analysis, and communicate results
What are the four decision making traps?
availability heuristic, confirmation trap, overconfidence, and overfitting
What are word clouds?
they allow you to quickly summarize data from large amounts of text. they break a piece of text into individual words & count the frequency with which they are observed
What does QM incorporate?
an understanding of risk & uncertainty
What are they key steps to creating a good work book?
plan out the structure, build the spreadsheet, review, and communicate your findings
What is an influence chart?
helps draw sketch of workbook. shows the outcome variable the model will generate and how outputs are calculated from inputs
When making Excel, should you isolate the parameters?
Yes, put parameters at the top, followed by decisions, outputs/objectives, and following calculations
What are the three ways to communicate results?
spreadsheets, visualizations, and dashboards
What are trace precedents in Excel?
They help understand the relationship between cells and which cells were used as inputs for a formula in another cell. Use formula auditing function
What are trace dependents?
they help understand which cells are affected by the value in a specific cell. They track how one cell impacts another
How to design structure of workbook?
define objective, sketch spreadsheet, organize spreadsheet into modules, start small, then isolate input parameters
What are the different variables for an influence chart?
decision variable, objective, intermediate quantities, and input parameter
What elements can be preceded by others in an influence chart?
intermediate calculations and outputs
What are major tasks in launching a product?
identifying a segment, targeting consumers, & positioning
How do you identify a segment?
You need to use cluster analysis
What is k-means clustering?
It helps assign customers to given segments using information on characteristics
Why do we use z score when doing k-means clustering?
Because the euclidean distance can be skewed cause of variables being measured on different scales
How to calculate z score?
Value - Mean/Stdev
What are the different types of analysis?
descriptive (describing observations), predictive (using a model from past data to make a prediction), and prescriptive (helps us identify the best course of action)
What are the steps for k means clustering?
Randomly put customers in clusters, find z-score, calculate the cluster centroids, and calculate distance from z score to given cluster centroid & reassign
How to find z-score with Excel?
What are cluster centroids?
they are the average values of the z scores for each variable of each cluster(coordinates), need to rearrange data for this
How do you calculate distance from z-score to given cluster?
=sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (x3-x4)^2 + …))
How do you reassign?
Whichever cluster the observation is closer to is the one you reassign it to
How do you normalize data on XL miner?
you have to click standardization
What is inter cluster distance?
The euclidean distance between cluster centroids (how far you are from another cluster)
What is intra cluster distance?
average distance between points within the cluster. lets you see how homogenous each cluster is
What happens with clusters when you plot them on a scatter plot?
You usually only plot two variables, so it won’t show the full pictureH