QM Flashcards
P-valor menor que o nível de significância, rejeita Ho.
Fórmula e o que é o R^2?
Quanto da variável dependente é explicado pelas independentes
5 assumptions de multiple regression
- Linear relationship between x and y
- Residuals are normally distributed
- Variance of the error term is constant
- Residual of one of obs is not correlated with a another
- Independent variables are not random
Pq usar o R2 ajustado?
Pq ele ajusta o R2 pelo número de variáveis que você tem. Evita overfutting the model.
Outros dois métodos de avaliação de modelos de regressão?
AIC: utilizado para um modelo de previsão (futuro)
BIC: Avaliar o modelo atual
What’s the Join- F test?
Used to jointly test a subset of variables in a multiple regression. Restricted model (less variables) and Unrestricted model (broader).
- checar se as variáveis adicionais fazem sentido para o modelo (diferente de zero)
O que é héterecedasticidade e está relacionada com qual assumption?
- Corr (x,e) dif 0
- Assumption: error term has constant variance. It violated when subsamples are more spread out then others.
What are the two types of heterecedasticidade?
Type 1: Unconditional
Not related to the independent variable (no problem)
Type 2: Conditional
Related to the independent variable (is a problem
- Afeta o desvio padrão (unreliable)
- Ocorre type I error
What are the two types of heterecedasticidade?
Type 1: Unconditional
Not related to the independent variable (no problem)
Type 2: Conditional
Related to the independent variable (is a problem
- Afeta o desvio padrão (unreliable)
- Ocorre type I error
How to detect heterocedasticidade?
- Scatter diagramas (via gráfico)
- Breush- Pagan (BP): teste chi quadrado nos residuals com a independent variable.
How to correct Heterecedasticidade?
Calculate the robust standard error and then use to recalculate the t-statistic
What is serial correlation and is related with witch assumption?
1.Corr (e, e) dif 0
2. Tô small standard error ( t=b/s)
3. Ocorre erro tipo I
Assumption: Error terms are no correlated
Type I error?
Reject something that is true
Tô detect serial correlation?
- Scatter plots
- Derbin-Watson (1 lag)
- Breush-Godfrey (BG): Use the residuals from the original regression as the dependent variable
Tô correct serial correlation?
Use robust standard errors (usar novos desvios padrões)