Qi, Blood, Wind Flashcards
Actions for Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang
A: Promotes the movement of qi, eliminates fullness, dries dampness, treats cold in the middle burner. This formula is for digestive disorders d/t damp-cold accumulation in the middle burner.
Actions for Tian Tai Wu Yao San
A; Promotes the movement of qi, spread the LV qi, scatters cold, and alleviates pain. This formula is used for a qi-type bulging disorder. T: pale w/a white coat P: submerged and slow or wiry.
Actions for Su Zi Jian Qi Tang
A: Directs rebellious qi downward, arrests wheezing, stops couging and warms and xforms phlegm-cold. This formula is used for coughing and wheezing disorders.T: white coat, slippery, greasy. May be pain and weakness of the lower back and legs, edema of the extremities, and fatigue.
Xiao Ji Yin Zi is a common and basic formula to treat…
blood in urine d/t static heat accumulating in the lower burner
indications of Shao fu zhu yu tang
blood stasis w/damp cold in lower burner
Actions and Indications for Liang Fu Wang
A: Warms middle burner, dispels cold, moves LV qi, alleviates pain. This formula is for ST pain. I: Stifling sensation in the chest.
Jin Ling Zi San
A: Spreads LV qi, drains heat, invigorates blood and alleviates pain. Irritable, bitter taste T: red yellow coat. P: wiry, rapid pulse. MP: LV constraint xforming into heat and causing stagnation
What are the actions of Ding Chuan Tang?
Disseminates and redirects Lung qi, arrests wheezing, clears heat, xforms phlegm.
What is,Ding Chuan Tang used for?
coughing and wheezing disorder
What are the indications of Ding Chuan Tang?
Coughing and wheezing with copious, thick, yellow sputum. labored breathing.T: greasy, yellow coat P: slippery, rapid
What is the MP of Ding Chuan Tang?
Phlegm heat smoldering in the interior that obstructs Lung qi to descend and wind cold attacking the exterior that constrains lung qi to flow.
What are the chief herb ingredients for Ding Chuan tang?
Bai Guo, Ma Huang
What are the deputy herbs in Ding Chuan Tang and what do they do?
Sang Bai Pi, Huang qin. They clear heat from the lungs.
What are the actions of Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang?
Directs rebellious qi downward, xforms phlegm. This formula treats ST qi rebelling upward disorders.
What is the MP of Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang
Phlegm turbidity obstructing the middle burner w/ deficient ST qi.
How is Xuan Fu dai zhe tang different from Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang?
Xuan Fu Dai Zhe Tang treats phlegm. Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang treats heat
What are the actions of Ju Pi Zhu Ru tang?
Directs rebellious qi downward, stops hiccup, augments qi, clears heat. This formula is for the ST qi rebelling upward disorders
What is the MP for Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang?
mild heat in the ST with ST qi xu that leads to ST rebellious qi upward
What are the 5 causes that lead to blood stasis?
Qi xu, heat, cold, trauma, qi stagnation
What are the actions of Da Huang in Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
Da Huang invigorates blood, clears heat, drains accumulation.
What are the actions of Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
Breaks up blood stasis, drains it downward and clears heat
What are the indications of Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
acute lower abdominalpain, smooth urination, delirious speech, irritability, restlessness, thirst.
What is the MP for Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
blood stasis with heat accumulation in the lower burner
What are the actions of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang?
Invigorates blood, dispels stasis, spreads LV qi, unblocks channels. This formula is for blood stasis in the chest.
What are the indications of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang?
chest and hypochondria pain, chronic, stubborn headache w/a fixed pet ing quality. chronic incessant hiccup, a choking sensation when drinking, palpitations, insomnia, restless sleep
What is the MP of Xue Fu Zhu YuTang?
blood stasis in the chest and obstructed blood circulation and blocked LV qi flow. Blood stasis and qi stagnation xforms into heat which disturbs Shen
What are the chief herbs in Ding Chuan Tong?
Ma Huang and Xing Ren
44 y/o male, recurrent depression, 10 years. Triggered by family and finances. Suffers from sadness, mood swings, insomnia, restless sleep, chronic headache w/a fixed piercing quality. Hypochondriac pain, tightness in throat and chest. Purple lips, tong, choppy pulse. Which formula?
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Tian Tai Wu Yao San treats
Qi stagnation w/cold invasion in the LV channel
What formula is indicated to treat blood stasis w/heat accumulation in the lower burner?
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang
What treatment strategies if patient experiences hemiplegia, atrophy of the half part of body, facial paralysis, slurred speech, drooling, dry stool, frequent urination and urinary incontinence. T: white coat, P: moderate
Tonify qi, invigorate the blood and unblock the channels
Which formula is suitable for epigastric pain that is caused by wind accumulation in the middle burner with LV qi stagnation?
Jing Ling Zi San
Which formula contains Pu Huang and Wu Ling Zhi
Shi Xiao San
Xiao Ji Yin Zi treats
blood in the urine d/t static heat accumulating in the lower buner
What is the use of Da Huang used in Tao He Cheng Qi Tang?
It attacks and purges accumulation, cleanses pathogenic heat, invigorates blood.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan was not designed by Zhang Zhong-Jing
What pathologies are indicated from the indications of Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Blood stasis with damp cold in the lower and middle burner
poor diet, unhealthy eating, epigastric and abdominal fullness, pain, loss of appetite, vomiting clear liquid. Feels fatigue in limbs
Hou Po Wen Zheng Tang
What are the actions of Shi Hui San
cools the blood and stops bleeding
What are the common causes that lead to blood stagnation or stasis?
Qi xu or stagnation, cold or heat, traumatic physical injury
Which herb for coughing, 10 years, watery copious sputum, stifling sensation in the chest, SoB marked by labored inhale, weakness in lower back, fatigue.
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan treats
blood stagnation type masses affecting the lower jiao
Indications for Jin Ling Zi San
I: intermittent epigastric and hypochondriac pain, menstrual pain, hypochondriac pain aggravated by hot food/ bevs.
Indications Su Zi Jian Qi Tang
I: Coughing and wheezing w/watery, copious sputum, stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, SOB marked by labored inhale, smooth exhale.
MP for Su Zi Jian Qi Tang
MP: Phlegm-cold accumulating in the LU and disturbing the LU qi to flow and descend. The KD yang xu being unable to grasp the qi.
Main Pathologies for Hou Po Wen Zhong Tang
MP: Damp cold accumulation in the middle burner that leads to qi stagnation and injuring the SP and ST.
Main Pathology for Tian Tai Wu Yao San
MP: Qi stagnation w/cold invasion in the LV channel. This is for purely XS
MP for Liang Fu Wang
MP: Cold accumulation in the middle burner w/LV qi stagnation
What are the chief ingredients for Wen Jing Tang?
Wu Zhu Yu and Gui Zhi
What are the indications for Wen Jing Tang?
Mild, persistent uterine pain, distention, cold in the abdomen. XU and Cold of the conception and penetrating vessels, w/blood stasis and yin blood xu.
What are the indications of sheng hua teng
abdominal pain after child birth, blood stasi in the womb d/t cold entering the womb, blood xu during postpartum
What are the indications of dang gui shao yao san
abdominal pain (ob/gyn/internal disorders) abdominal cramping, slight edema
What is the MP of Dang Gui Shao Yao San
blood xu, blood stasis, dampness stagnation w/disharmony betw. LV & SP
What does Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan do?
Treats pain in different locations of the body. Anywhere there is blood stasis, and obstruction (or pain) of the qi and blood flow
What are the indications of Dan Shen Yin
Abdominal or epigastric pain with bllood stasis and qi stagnation such as stifling sensaion in the chest and epigastric distention.
What are the indications of huai hua san?
Bleeding bright red blood from the rectum or hemorrhoids d/t damp heat or wind damp
what are the indications of Jiao Ai Tang?
Abnormal uterine bleeding, postpartum bleeding, or bleeding during pregnancy. Blood xu and cold in the womb.
Chuan Xiaong Cha Tiao San treats?
h/a any part of the head
Cang Er Zi San treats?
Nasal congestion disorders d/t external wind attack
Xiao Feng San treats?
Wind rash or dampness rash. Dermatological disorders - red, itchy weepy skin.