QBank Flashcards
Confusion, ataxia, nystagmus with drinking hx
Dx? Treatment?
Give thiamine BEFORE glucose
What is parinaud’s syndrome
Pineal gland tumour
Loss of pupillary vision & vertical gaze
Also headaches & poss. HCG secretion
Craziness following wernickes - name, symptoms andparts of brain involved?
Korsakoff. Confabulations, halluc. Mamm.bodies & thalamus
Carbamazepine SE
Bonemarrow suppression, SIADH, anticholenergic effects
First line for bradycardia
Treatment for alzheimers
Anticholinesterase inhibitors
Tacrine & donepezil
Teratogenic haart drugs
Efavirenz & delavirdine (effa deadly)
Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies - wtf?
Test for RA
Treatment for lyme arthritis?
Doxy or amoxacillin for 28 days
What does congenital toxo cause in babies?
Microcephaly, MRetard, deaf, seizures, hydrocephalus
Scaly, eczema lesions over knuckles - most likely dx?
Gottrons’s sign - dermatomyositis
Likely 2/2 malignancy
Proximal muscle weakness?
Dermatomyositis (think malignancy, gottrons sign, heliotrope rash)
Treatment for als?
Riluzole (glutamate inhibitor)
Leriche syndrome?
Impotence, muscular atrophy and claudication
Aortoilliac occlusive disease
Sig. of nocturnal erctions?
If you don’t have them, likely neuro or vascular cause
Hematuria and recent immigration from 3rd world
Schistosomiasis (parasite). Collect urine between 10a&2p.
How does ATN commonly present?
Following a hypoperfusion > oliguric state with AGMA
Check muddy brown casts
First line for detecting kidney stones
CT helical non-contrast
Then (or if preg pt) - IVP
Drug of choice with sclerodermal renal crisis?
ACEI (even with elevate Cr) with whatever fo BP
ACEI of choice for sclerodermal renal crisis?
Captopril (shortest onset, most data)
Differentiate between IgA and PSGN ?
PSGN follows 10+ days after illness. IgA is quicker (<10)
Treatment for IgA nephritis?
Nothing. Symptomatic.
Most common cause of cryoglobulimemia?
Hep c
Conversely - check all cryoglobulin patients for hep c
In PSGN - complement levels?
C3, C4 and CH50 reduced (C4 could be normal)
Complement levels with wegeners?
All normal. (Check C-ANCA)
Treatment for priapism?
1st? Then? Is it doesnt work? Sickle cell?
Ice pack. Alpha agonist. Terbutaline. IV fluids
Stages of renal CA and treatment
1) confined to capsule - partial nehprec.
2) through cap but not beyond gerota - radical neph
3) invas of major veins, LN or adren.gl - rad or debulking
4) mets - chemo etc
What IV fluids can be used to guard against contrast nephropathy
Sodium bicarb or NS with acetylcysteine
What electrolyte problem is common with TURP?
Hyponatremia 2/2 tons of isoosmotic flush used
Drugs that cause a descrease in Cr secretion (with serum elevation)
Cemetidine, trimethoprim, probenecid
Most common complication of ADPKD?
Hypertension & hepatic cysts
Name of rapid in-hosp urine test?
Urine immunoassay
Premedication before blood - helpful?
No! Acetaminophen & benadryl does NOT help
Ear pain, ipsilateral facial paralysis & vesicles in audio canal?
Ramsey hunt (herpes zoster oticus) Reactivation
Malignant otitis externa - pathogen?
P.aeruginosa most common
Scalp ringworm - what else could it be? Why?
Microsporum canis (lights up green under woods lamp)
When is surgical correction needed for kyphosis?
Spine change more than 70-80°