QA, Safety & SPI Flashcards
Which of the following correctly describes a gold standard test?
A. an accepted test that is assumed to be able to determine the true disease state of a patient, regardless of positive or negative test findings
B. a type of test that has been used for over 15 years to successfully diagnose rule out disease when it is absent
C. a type of test that has been used for over 15 years to successfully diagnose disease when it is present
D. a test that is preferred by most doctors to make a specific diagnosis
Gold Standard Testing refers to an accepted test that is assumed to be able to determine the true disease state of a patient regardless of positive or negative test findings or sensitivities or specificities of other diagnostic tests used. As new diagnostic methods become available, the “gold standard” test may change over time. For example, an aortogram used to be the gold standard test for the diagnosis of aortic dissection, but today MRA has become the new “gold standard” test for aortic dissection because it has the highest sensitivity and specificity levels.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of magnetic resonance angiography compared to Doppler evaluation of the carotid arteries?
A. MRA exams tend to overestimate the level of stenosis present
B. MRA of the carotid arteries can only be performed on patients who are not diabetic
C. contrast is always required for the exam
D. patients on anticoagulant therapy cannot undergo an MRA evaluation
MRA exams tend to overestimate the level of stenosis present when compared to Doppler findings. Contrast may be used on the exam but is not always required. Certain patients are at a higher risk of renal failure from the contrast.
The ability of PW Doppler to determine the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the primary advantage over CW Doppler techniques. A. pulsatility of flow B. direction of flow C. location of stenosis in the vessel D. velocity of flow
CW Doppler provides no depth resolution during Doppler evaluation. CW Doppler is preferred for higher velocities and deeper flow evaluations. PW Doppler is able to provide velocity, pulsatility and location of a stenosis.
Which of the following describes the correct way to measure the resistive index for a renal artery waveform?
A. place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the true systolic peak
B. place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the early systolic peak
C. place a caliper at the true systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity
D. place a caliper at the early systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity
Resistive index - place a caliper at the true systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity; Acceleration time - place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the early systolic peak
When the velocity of flow is calculated for vessels evaluated on a TCD exam, a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ degree angle of incidence is assumed. A. 45 B. 0 C. 30 D. 60
When the velocity of flow is calculated for vessels evaluated on a TCD exam, a 0-degree angle of incidence is assumed.
If new research shows that the minimum velocity criteria used to diagnose >60% renal artery stenosis is actually 225cm/s, not 180cm/s, how will this affect the accuracy of the renal Doppler exam?
A. increase will vary with patient population
B. decrease will vary with patient population
C. increase by 4.5%
D. no effect on the accuracy, only affects positive and negative predictive value.
Negative predictive value refers to the ability of an exam to correctly predict the absence of disease. Raising the peak velocity required to identify a significant renal stenosis will decrease the negative predictive value. This occurs due to the increased amount of patients that have a lower velocity but truly demonstrate >60% stenosis in the renal artery. The positive predictive value will increase for the renal Doppler exam because more patients will actually have significant stenosis when their exam produces velocities above 225cm/s.
Accuracy will increase because of the increase in truly positive exams compared to the total number of exams. The more people correctly diagnosed as positive, the greater the accuracy of an exam.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an inappropriate indication for a duplex exam on a hemodialysis fistula?
A. ipsilateral arm swelling
B. inability to cannulate at dialysis
C. 1 month follow up baseline exam post-intervention
D. palpable thrill at the fistula site
Hemodialysis fistulas and grafts will normally demonstrate a thrill over the connection site in the arm. Absence of the thrill can indicate an occlusion of the fistula/graft.
Which of the following Doppler angles would lead to the most significant error in estimation of flow velocity? A. 25 B. 45 C. 65 D. 80
The greater the Doppler angle, the greater the amount of error in the calculated velocity.
Resistive Index is a ratio utilized to quantify which of the following? A. phasicity of flow B. resistance to flow C. flow velocity D. turbulence of flow
The resistive index compares the systolic and diastolic flow velocities to evaluate tissue resistance to blood flow.
If a carotid Doppler exam was performed last year with a Doppler angle of 45 degrees and the current exam was performed with a 60 degree angle. Assuming there has been no change in the level of stenosis, how will this affect the exam?
A. no change because the ultrasound system is programmed to always assume a 60 degree angle is used for each exam and uses this angle in the Doppler equation
B. no change because the ultrasound system is programmed to always assume a 0 degree angle is used for each exam and uses this angle in the Doppler equation
C. velocities will be reduced compared to last year’s exam
D. velocities will be increased compared to last year’s exam
As the cursor angle increases, the angle between the beam and the flow decreases. As the angle between the beam and the flow decreases, the Doppler shift increases (the more aligned the cursor is to the flow direction, the higher the Doppler shift).
EX: Increasing the cursor angle from 45 to 60 degrees = decreased angle between the beam and the flow = increased Doppler shift and velocity.
EX: Decreasing the cursor angle from 60 to 45 degrees = increased angle between the beam and the flow = decreased Doppler shift and velocity.
Overestimating the angle between the beam and the blood flow = overestimated flow velocity
Underestimating the angle between the beam and the blood flow = underestimated flow velocity
The recommended sample size for PW Doppler evaluation of an artery is? A. 1-1.5mm B. 3-4mm C. 0.5mm D. 0.5cm
Small sample sizes demonstrate a more specific location of the velocity detected.
When venous flow is slow, echogenic particles can be seen near the walls and in the valvular sinus. This phenomenon is called: A. spontaneous contrast B. misregistration artifact C. clutter artifact D. Virchow triad
Slow moving red blood cells around the valve leaflets and near the vein walls can be mildly reflective. This phenomenon is called spontaneous contrast.
What information from an angiography report can be correlated with the ultrasound results? A. flow velocity B. diameter stenosis C. area stenosis D. areas of turbulent flow
Angiography provides information on diameter stenosis of an artery. It is limited in that it can only estimate diameter stenosis (no area stenosis), does not offer information on flow velocity, and cannot demonstrate areas of turbulent flow.
Abdominal Doppler exams are usually best performed with a frequency of \_\_\_\_\_\_MHz and lower extremity arterial duplex exams are usually best performed with a frequency of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_MHz. A. 2-4MHz, 8-10MHz B. 1-3MHz, 5-7MHz C. 2-4MHz, 5-7MHz D. 5-7MHz, 8-10MHz
Abdominal Doppler exams are usually best performed with a frequency of 2-4MHz and Lower Extremity Arterial Duplex exams are usually best performed with a frequency of 5-7MHz.
Which of the following describes the correct way to measure the acceleration time for a renal artery waveform?
A. place a caliper at the true systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity
B. place a caliper at the early systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity
C. place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the early systolic peak
D. place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the true systolic peak
Resistive Index - place a caliper at the true systolic peak and the end diastolic velocity.
Acceleration Time - place a caliper at the onset of the systolic upstroke and at the early systolic peak.
In order to validate test results, 450 patients underwent Angiography and a Renal Artery Duplex exam to evaluate patients for renal artery stenosis. 100 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a stenosis present or positive for renal artery stenosis. 35 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed with stenosis by ultrasound and 15 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed as negative for stenosis by ultrasound. What is the accuracy of the renal artery duplex exam for this group of patients? A. 400/415 = 96% B. 135/450 = 30% C. 400/435 = 92% D. 400/450 = 89%
The accuracy of a test is calculated by the total number of correct diagnoses (300 + 100) divided by the total number of diagnoses made (300 + 100 + 35 + 15).
When evaluating heavily calcified arteries, what system settings should be increased to improve the demonstration of flow in the vessels? A. velocity scale and persistence B. color gain and angle of insonation C. frequency and output power D. persistence and sensitivity
Arterial calcification can limit the 2D and color Doppler evaluation. To evaluate heavily calcified arteries use multiple imaging planes, increase color Doppler gain, increase sensitivity and persistence levels. These change is system settings should increase the amount of color displayed.
What is the gold standard evaluation technique for renal artery stenosis? A. Angiography B. MRA C. Ultrasound D. CTA
Which modality is preferred to diagnose an aortic dissection? A. CTA B. Angiography C. Duplex ultrasound D. MRI
CT scan is preferred for evaluation of AAA and dissection. The exam provides the best detail for the evaluation of aortic size and lumen characteristics. All portions of the aorta can be seen with CT. Ultrasound can be limited by bony anatomy.
A research project produced 16 true positive results and 4 false positive results along with 24 true negative and 6 false negative results from the total of 50 patients evaluated. What is the negative predictive value of the exam technique? A. 20% B. 40% C. 80% D. 95%
NPV is used to predict how often a negative study is truly negative. TN / TN + FN = 24 / 24 + 6 = 24 / 30 = 0.80 or 80%
Which of the following Doppler information is necessary to calculate the resistive index?
A. peak systolic velocity only
B. peak systolic velocity and end diastolic velocity
C. peak systolic velocity and peak diastolic velocity
D. peak systolic velocity, average flow velocity and end diastolic velocity
The resistive index = PSV - EDV / PSV
The Appropriate Use Criteria were developed:
A. while considering vascular ultrasound or physiologic testing by itself as a reasonable exam choice
B. to provide guidance for when to use vascular ultrasound as a secondary exam to confirm a diagnosis
C. by a collaboration of insurance companies seeking to streamline covered services
D. to identify physicians and facilities that need further education on ordering procedures
The Appropriate Use Criteria for vascular ultrasound and physiologic testing was developed through the collaboration of several vascular ultrasound and medical societies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of patient diagnosis and treatment. The most common indications given for vascular ultrasound and physiologic testing were scored for appropriate use. Not all exam indications were evaluated. The indications were scored while considering vascular ultrasound or physiologic testing by itself as a reasonable exam choice.
Three categories used to classify indications:
7-9 points: generally appropriate indication
4-6 points: may be appropriate or reasonable indication; situational consideration
1-3 points: inappropriate or unreasonable indication if there is more than one indication for an exam, the indication with the highest score should be used to determine appropriate use
When a patient has multiple indications, which one is used to determine appropriate use of vascular ultrasound testing?
A. all scores should be added together and divided by the number of indications
B. the indication with the lowest score should be used to determine appropriate use
C. the indication with the highest score should be used to determine appropriate use
D. if a patient has multiple symptoms, the Appropriate Use Criteria is invalid
If there is more than one indication for an exam, the indication with the highest score should be used to determine appropriate use.
A research project produced 16 true positive results and 4 false positive results along with 24 true negative and 6 false negative results from the total of 50 patients evaluated. What is the sensitivity of the exam technique? A. not enough information given B. 27% C. 73% D. 50%
True positives / true positives + false negatives
16/16+6 = 0.73 x 100%
Which of the following parameters is displayed as the y-axis on a Doppler tracing? A. frequency shift B. speed C. time D. motion
Doppler shift frequencies are displayed on a tracing as a function of time; x axis = time, y axis = Doppler shift; Velocity could also be a correct answer, but speed is incorrect. Speed does not indicate the direction of the motion. Doppler evaluation provides the speed and direction of the flow = velocity.
Pulsatility Index can be used to describe?
A. the amount of blood vessel recoil
B. the pressure gradient within a vessel
C. the amount of variation in the velocity during the cardiac cycle
D. amount of turbulence within a vessel
The pulsatility index (PI) can be used to describe the amount of variation in the velocity during the cardiac cycle. High resistance flow demonstrates higher PI values than low resistance flow.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an appropriate indication for a screening ankle-brachial index exam?
A. patient with low Framingham risk score
B. nocturnal pain or cramping with normal pulses on clinical exam
C. 58yr old male with diabetes
D. diabetic neuropathy with normal pulses
Dedicated ABI exams are recommended as a screening tool in patients with a femoral bruit or diminished pulses, patients >50yrs with diabetes or smoking history and all patients over 70yrs of age.
If a renal artery Doppler exam demonstrates normal flow, but stenosis is identified on angiography evaluation, the US results are described as: A. false negative B. true positive C. true negative D. false positive
If the current exam is negative but the gold standard is positive = false negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive but the gold standard is negative = false positive results on current exam.
If the current exam is negative and the gold standard is negative = true negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive and the gold standard is positive = true positive results on current exam.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an inappropriate indication for an upper extremity arterial duplex exam?
A. 1 month follow up baseline exam post-intervention
B. unilateral cold hand
C. unilateral arm swelling
D. suspected positional arterial obstruction
Limb swelling is a common symptom of extremity venous disease, not arterial disease.
A research project produced 16 true positive results and 4 false positive results along with 24 true negative and 6 false negative results from the total of 50 patients evaluated. What is the positive predictive value of the exam technique? A. 20% B. 50% C. 80% D. 95%
The positive predictive value is calculated by the number of correct positive diagnoses (16) divided by the total number of positive diagnoses made (16 + 4) 16/20 = 0.80 or 80%.
Which of the following correctly describes the negative predictive value (NPV) of a testing technique?
A. if the test result is positive, NPV is the probability that the patient actually has the disease
B. the ability of a test to rule out disease when it IS NOT present
C. the ability of a test to detect disease when it IS present
D. if the test result is negative, NPV is the probability that the patient does not have disease
Negative Predictive Value: calculates how often a negative study is correctly diagnosed; if the test result is negative, NPV is the probability that the patient does not have disease.
Which of the following exams does not require angle corrected Doppler evaluation? A. aorta duplex B. IVC duplex C. renal artery duplex D. TIPS evaluation
Any Doppler exam that requires measurement of blood flow velocity requires angle correction to obtain an accurate velocity. This includes all arterial exams and TIPS evaluations. A duplex exam of the IVC is used to assess patency and flow variation with respiration and cardiac pulsatility. No velocity information is used in the IVC duplex exam.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an inappropriate indication for an aortic duplex exam?
A. 1 month follow up after endograft placement
B. fever of unknown origin
C. lower extremity claudication
D. pulsatile abdominal mass
Isolated findings of a fever of unknown origin is not an appropriate indication for any vascular ultrasound exam. It is a non-specific symptom that has rarely been associated with vascular disease. Unilateral lower extremity symptoms can be caused by iliac artery disease and bilateral symptoms can be related to aortic disease. A pulsatile abdominal mass is a clinical indication of AAA. If endograft placement is performed to treat an AAA, the baseline exam should be performed within 1 month of the procedure.
Which of the following correctly describes the positive predictive value (PPV) of a testing technique?
A. if the test result is negative, PPV is the probability that the patient does not have disease
B. if the test result is positive, PPV is the probability that the patient actually has the disease
C. the ability of a test to rule out disease when it IS NOT present
D. the ability of a test to detect disease when it IS present
Positive Predictive Value: calculates how often a positive study is correctly diagnosed; if the test result is positive, PPV is the probability that the patient actually has the disease.
In order to validate test results, 450 patients underwent Angiography and a Renal Artery Duplex exam to evaluate patients for renal artery stenosis. 300 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a normal flow or negative for renal artery stenosis. 100 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a stenosis present or positive for renal artery stenosis. 35 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed with stenosis by ultrasound and 15 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed as negative for stenosis by ultrasound. What is the specificity of the renal artery duplex exam for this group of patients? A. 300/315 = 95% B. 300/335 = 90% C. 100/115 = 87% D. 100/135 = 74%
The specificity of a test is calculated by the number of correctly diagnosed negative exams (300) divided by the total number of true negative exams (300 + 35).
Which of the following can be used to eliminate aliasing seen on a CW Doppler tracing?
A. decrease probe frequency
B. increase the scale
C. adjust baseline, increase scale and decrease probe frequency
D. none of the above
Aliasing does not occur with a CW probe. The beam is not pulsed, so it is not limited by the pulse repetition frequency/Nyquist limit.
In order to validate test results, 450 patients underwent Angiography and a Renal Artery Duplex exam to evaluate patients for renal artery stenosis. 300 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a normal flow or negative for renal artery stenosis. 100 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a stenosis present or positive for renal artery stenosis. 35 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed with stenosis by ultrasound and 15 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed as negative for stenosis by ultrasound. What is the negative predictive value of the renal artery duplex exam for this group of patients? A. 300/335 = 90% B. 100/135 = 74% C. 300/315 = 95% D. 100/115 = 87%
The negative predictive value is calculated by the number of correct negative diagnoses (300) divided by the number of negative diagnoses made (300 + 15).
Which of the following describes why there is no aliasing on CW Doppler?
A. the PW transducer uses a single element and the CW transducer uses two elements
B. CW Doppler does not require a sample volume to produce a Doppler waveform
C. CW probes are always lower frequency than PW probes
D. CW Doppler does not require beam steering to produce a Doppler waveform
CW Doppler uses separate elements for sending and receiving the sound waves. This allows for Doppler evaluation without depth limitations.
In order to validate test results, 450 patient underwent Angiography and a Renal Duplex exam to evaluate patients for renal artery stenosis. 300 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a normal flow or negative for renal artery stenosis. 100 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a stenosis present or positive for renal artery stenosis. 35 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed with stenosis by ultrasound and 15 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed as negative for stenosis by ultrasound. What is the positive predictive value of the renal artery duplex exam for this group of patients? A. 300/315 = 95% B. 300/335 = 90% C. 100/115 = 87% D. 100/135 = 74%
The positive predictive value is calculated by the number of correct positive diagnoses (100) divided by the total number of positive diagnoses made (100 + 35).
If a renal artery Doppler exam demonstrates stenosis and stenosis is identified on angiography evaluation, the US results are described as: A. true positive B. true negative C. false positive D. false negative
If the current exam is negative but the gold standard is positive = false negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive but the gold standard is negative = false positive results on current exam.
If the current exam is negative and the gold standard is negative = true negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive and the gold standard is positive = true positive results on current exam.
All of the following are reasons for lack of color fill in a transverse view of the distal femoral vein, except?
A. severe atherosclerosis in femoral artery
B. scale settings too high
C. filter settings too low
D. filter settings too high
Low filter settings will allow the transducer to detect lower velocity signals such as venous flow. Low filter settings would IMPROVE venous flow visualization. Increasing the filter settings could degrade color fill in the image.
A research project produced 16 true positive results and 4 false positive results along with 24 true negative and 6 false negative results from the total of 50 patients evaluated. What is the specificity of the exam technique? A. 27% B. 86% C. 73% D. 95%
The specificity of a test is calculated by the number of correctly diagnosed negative exams (24) divided by the total number of true negative exams. (24 + 4); 24 / 28 = 0.86 or 86%.
When a clot is present on a venogram, how does it appear on the image?
A. “empty” vein with no contrast opacification
B. complex mass obstructing contrast flow
C. dark solid area within the vein
D. similar to a calcification, very echogenic
Iodinated contrast is injected into the venous system at the foot. The contrast will fill any vein that is patent. Thrombus will prevent the vein from filling with contrast.
If a renal artery Doppler exam demonstrates stenosis but normal flow is identified on angiography evaluation, the US results are described as: A. false negative B. false positive C. true negative D. true positive
If the current exam is negative but the gold standard is positive = false negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive but the gold standard is negative = false positive results on current exam.
If the current exam is negative and the gold standard is negative = true negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive and the gold standard is positive = true positive results on current exam.
If new research shows that the minimum velocity criteria used to diagnose >60% renal artery stenosis is actually 225cm/s, not 180cm/s, how will this affect the negative predictive value of the exam?
A. increase by 4.5%
B. no effect on the negative predictive value, only affects accuracy
C. decrease will vary with patient population
D. decrease by 4.5%
Negative predictive value refers to the ability of an exam to correctly predict the absence of disease. Raising the peak velocity required to identify a significant renal stenosis will decrease negative predictive value. This occurs due to the increased amount of patients that have a lower velocity but truly demonstrate >60% stenosis in the renal artery. The positive predictive value will increase for the renal Doppler exam because more patients will actually have significant stenosis when their exam produces velocities above 225cm/s.
Which of the following would be the probe frequency of choice for a TCD exam? A. 2MHz B. 4MHz C. 7MHz D. 10MHz
TCD requires a low MHz probe to penetrate the skull.
Which of the following correctly describes the specificity of a testing technique?
A. if the test result is positive, specificity is the probability that the patient actually has the disease
B. the ability of a test to rule out disease when it IS NOT present
C. if the test result is negative specificity is the probability that the patient does not have disease
D. the ability of a test to detect disease when it IS present
Specificity - the ability of a test to rule out disease when it IS NOT present. The number of truly negative tests performed in the current modality is compared to the negative tests diagnosed by the gold standard test.
Which of the following should be increased when evaluating venous flow with color Doppler? A. wall filter B. output power C. color priority D. PRF
C The threshold (priority) control is used to adjust the appearance of color Doppler. Increased threshold = increased color display. Increasing the wall filter or the PRF will reduce the appearance of lower velocity flow. Changes to the power output on the system will increase the beam intensity and penetration.
When considering the effectiveness of the carotid Doppler exam at your lab, the negative predictive value is 88%, the positive predictive value is 95%, the sensitivity is 85% and the specificity is 90%. Using those parameters, which of the following could be the value for the accuracy of the testing technique? A. 92% B. 89% C. 84% D. 96%
The accuracy of a technique falls between the NPV and PPV AND between the sensitivity and specificity. 89% is higher than 88% NPV and lower than 95% PPV; 89% is also higher than 85% sensitivity and lower than 90% specificity.
Anticoagulant therapy is a contraindication for: A. a segmental pressure exam B. cold immersion testing C. ultrasound guided thrombin injection D. a transcranial duplex exam
Anticoagulant therapy is a contraindication for pseudoaneurysm treatment. The goal of compression therapy and thrombin injection is to promote thrombus formation. Anticoagulant therapy works to reduce thrombus formation.
Which of the following imaging parameters is responsible for the ability to resolve two atheromas that are side by side in an artery? A. contrast resolution B. lateral resolution C. axial resolution D. dynamic range
Lateral resolution allows for the differentiation of objects that are perpendicular to the beam. Lateral resolution allows for the differentiation of objects that are side by side.
The parenchymal resistance ratio is calculated to assess perfusion of which of the following organs? A. kidney B. liver C. muscles D. brain
Parenchymal resistance ratio = EDV/PSV used to evaluate the parenchymal resistance in a transplant kidney.
A thrill is a normal clinical finding with _______, but an abnormal clinical finding with ____________.
A. recent iliac stent placement, a hemodialysis graft
B. lower extremity vein graft, lower extremity prosthetic graft
C. thoracic outlet syndrome, Raynaud syndrome
D. a hemodialysis fistula, recent iliac stent placement
A thrill is a normal clinical finding with hemodialysis AVF, but an abnormal clinical finding after any invasive procedure of the lower extremity.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is defined as the time from onset of systole to the time peak systole occurs. A. spatial pulse length B. velocity time interval C. acceleration time D. resistive index
Acceleration time is defined as the time from onset of systole to the time peak systole occurs. It decreases as resistance increases. Increased resistance causes a short time between the onset of systole and peak systole.
The Doppler tracing demonstrates electrical noise. How can you reduce or eliminate the artifact?
A. decrease the PRF
B. extend the cord to move the machine as far from the electrical outlet as possible
C. increase the wall filter setting
D. decrease wall filter settings
Noise can be reduced by decreasing Doppler gain, increasing wall filter settings, or trying another wall outlet.
By dividing the pulsatility index proximal to a stenosis by the pulsatility index from distal to a stenosis, you can evaluate the:
A. intraluminal area
B. distal resistance of the vascular beds
C. intraluminal diameter
D. damping factor
The damping factor describes the degree of attenuation of the Doppler signal caused by the stenosis. The PI will decrease distal to the stenosis. The greater the stenosis, the lower the distal PI and greater the damping factor.
What is the gold standard method of diagnosing temporal arteritis? A. duplex ultrasound B. MRA C. biopsy D. CTA
Biopsy of the temporal artery is the gold standard method of diagnosis for temporal arteritis.
A ventilation quotient scan is used to evaluate a patient with suspected: A. ICA occlusion B. DVT C. portal vein thrombosis D. pulmonary embolism
Ventilation Quotient Scan (VQ Scan) is used to evaluate the lung vasculature for filling defects and abnormalities in perfusion. It is most commonly performed to assess possible pulmonary embolism. A VQ scan can also be used to evaluate regional lung function in people with advanced pulmonary disease. If the VQ scan demonstrates a possible PE, a venous duplex exam and/or echo will be ordered to identify the source of the thrombus.
Which setting should be lowered to the minimum level when beginning to evaluate the patient using the orbital window? A. Doppler gain B. output power C. wall filter D. velocity scale
The intensity of the sound beam passed through the eye should be set to the lowest level possible.
If the Doppler cursor angle is underestimated, the velocity of the flow will be _________.
A. overestimated
B. be unaffected
C. underestimated
D. dependent solely on the strength of the frequency shift
The Doppler angle of incidence is the angle at which the Doppler beam intersects the blood flow. The cursor angle is aligned with the vessel walls. If this angle is underestimated, the velocity of the flow will be underestimated. If this angle is overestimated, the velocity of flow will be overestimated.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an appropriate indication for a renal artery duplex exam?
A. unilateral renal enlargement
B. peripheral arterial disease with well controlled hypertension
C. bilateral renal enlargement
D. hypertension in a young person (age <35 years)
Uncontrolled or excessively high blood pressure (>160/80mmHg) are common indications for a renal artery duplex because the kidneys can raise the BP is their arterial flow is limited by stenosis. Hypertension in younger patients can be a sign of RAS, usually due to fibromuscular dysplasia. Discrepancy in kidney size can be a sign of RAS. Chronic stenosis can cause atrophy of the kidney that has limited arterial inflow. RAS can be the cause for kidneys that differ in length by more than 2cm.
In order to validate test results, 450 patients underwent Angiography and a Renal Artery Duplex exam to evaluate patients for renal artery stenosis. 300 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having normal flow or negative for renal artery stenosis. 100 arteries were correctly diagnosed as having a stenosis present or positive for renal artery stenosis. 35 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed with stenosis by ultrasound and 15 arteries were incorrectly diagnosed as negative for stenosis by ultrasound. What is the sensitivity of the renal artery duplex exam for this group of patients? A. 100/135 = 74% B. 300/315 = 95% C. 300/335 = 90% D. 100/115 = 87%
The sensitivity is the total number of correct positive diagnoses (100) divided by the total number of truly positive tests (100 + 15).
Which type of image resolution makes it possible to differentiate the intimal media thickness from the outer arterial wall? A. elevational B. temporal C. axial D. lateral
Axial resolution refers to the machine’s ability to resolve structures that are parallel to the ultrasound beam. Measuring the anterior-posterior thickness of a structure, such as the wall thickness of an artery or the thickness of the gallbladder wall, relies on the axial resolution of the system.
What system setting would result in false-positive findings for reflux in the great saphenous vein? A. high velocity scale settings B. high color persistence settings C. high wall filter settings D. high frame rate
High color persistence settings may result in false-positive color-flow findings for reflux.
Which of the following correctly describes a surveillance exam?
A. testing used to monitor known disease progression
B. testing that leads to the initial diagnosis
C. testing used to determine the presence or absence of disease in an asymptomatic patient
D. the initial exam following vascular intervention/surgery that is usually done within first month after the procedure
Screening examination: testing used to determine the presence or absence of disease in an asymptomatic patient.
Baseline examination: testing that leads to the initial diagnosis or the initial exam following vascular intervention/surgery that is usually done within first month after the procedure.
Surveillance examination: testing used to monitor known disease progression; follow up exam timing is based on the time since initial diagnosis or revascularization.
Which of the following is a system adjustment that is made when changing from a lower extremity arterial exam to a lower extremity venous exam on the same patient? A. reverse the color display baseline B. decrease Doppler scale C. change the cursor angle to 30 degrees D. decrease transducer frequency
Venous flow is much lower velocity than arterial flow which requires a lower Doppler scale. The cursor angle does not need to be used/adjusted for venous flow evaluation because flow velocity is not being recorded.
Priapism is an indication for what type of exam? A. carotid duplex B. upper extremity segmental pressure C. penile duplex D. mesenteric duplex
Priapism is a painful prolonged erection that occurs without sexual stimuli. It can be caused by venocclusive disease in the pelvic veins or an AV fistula in the pelvic region.
Which modality is preferred to diagnose fibromuscular dysplasia in the circle of Willis? A. Angiography B. MRI C. Transcranial Doppler D. CTA
Cerebral angiography provides the best detail for the lumen characteristics of the intracerebral arteries.
Which of the following causes an increase in the resistive index (RI) of the distal common carotid artery? A. proximal CCA stenosis B. proximal ICA stenosis C. aortic valve insufficiency D. Valsalva maneuver
An occlusion of the ICA will lead to increased resistance to the flow in the ipsilateral common carotid artery.
Which of the following parameters is displayed as the x-axis on a Doppler tracing? A. speed B. time C. motion D. velocity
Doppler shift frequencies are displayed on a tracing as a function of time; x-axis = time, y-axis = Doppler shift
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the gold standard in testing for arterial disease. A. segmental pressures with Duplex US B. angiography C. angioplasty D. venography
Arteriography is the most sensitive and specific test for assessment of arterial disease, but many complications reduce its application. Aside from the issue of radiation exposure, the invasive nature causes increased risk of infection, abscess or pseudoaneurysm formation. The iodine based contrast is also not tolerated by all patients.
A proximal femoral artery stenosis will cause the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in the mid femoral artery. A. acceleration time to decrease B. velocity to increase C. Reynold's number to decrease D. acceleration time to increase
Acceleration time refers to the time from the start of systole to peak systole. High resistance vessels have short acceleration times. Low resistance vessels and areas distal to a stenosis will demonstrate longer acceleration times.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an appropriate indication for an lower extremity venous duplex exam for venous insufficiency?
A. positive D-dimer test
B. suspected or diagnosed pulmonary embolism
C. hyperpigmentation
D. Telangiectasia
Hyperpigmentation of the distal calf occurs with chronic venous insufficiency. The waste products in the venous blood that pools in the calf are forced into the subcutaneous tissues by osmosis. Telangiectasia refers to dilated venules that appear as tiny red/purple veins. They are also called spider veins. While these tiny veins can indicate venous stasis, their isolated appearance has not been associated with insufficiency in the larger superficial veins.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ aids in measurement of the acceleration time of the renal arteries. A. using a lower frequency transducer B. increasing the sweep speed C. increasing the PRF D. reducing rejection
Faster sweep speeds produce wider waveforms on the display to facilitate easier measurement of the AT.
Which of the following explains why a patient can receive an US diagnosis of 70% ICA stenosis, but an angiography diagnosis of 50% ICA stenosis?
A. There was most likely a difference in the patient’s cardiac output on the dates the two exams were performed
B. angiography calculates the area stenosis and the US exam offers the diameter stenosis
C. angiography only evaluates the longitudinal axis of vessel which can lead to over- or under- estimation of the stenosis
D. the patient has severe hyperlipidemia with acute disease progression between the two exams
Angiography only evaluates the longitudinal axis of vessel, which can lead to over- or under- estimation of the stenosis. Only the diameter stenosis can be estimated with this method.
When you change the angle on the Doppler cursor, the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ also changes. A. flow velocity displayed B. amplitude of the reflected signal C. the volume of flow interrogated D. speed of sound in tissue
As the cursor angle increases, the angle between the beam and the flow decreases. As the angle between the beam and the flow decreases, the Doppler shift increases (the more aligned the cursor is to the flow direction, the higher the Doppler shift).
EX: Increasing the cursor angle from 45 to 60 degrees = decreased angle between the beam and the flow = increased Doppler shift and velocity.
EX: Decreasing the cursor angle from 60 to 45 degrees = increased angle between the beam and the flow = decreased Doppler shift and velocity.
Overestimating the angle between the beam and the blood flow = overestimated flow velocity
Underestimating the angle between the beam and the blood flow = underestimated flow velocity
If a renal artery Doppler exam demonstrates normal flow and normal flow is identified on angiography evaluation, the US results are described as: A. false positive B. true negative C. true positive D. false negative
If the current exam is negative but the gold standard is positive = false negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive but the gold standard is negative = false positive results on current exam.
If the current exam is negative and the gold standard is negative = true negative results on current exam.
If the current exam is positive and the gold standard is positive = true positive results on current exam.
What is the Framingham risk score?
A. criteria used to determine appropriate use of physiologic testing
B. criteria used to determine appropriate use of vascular ultrasound
C. gender specific criteria for estimation of 10 year risk of pulmonary embolism
D. gender specific criteria for estimation of 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease
Framingham risk score - gender specific criteria for estimation of 10 year risk of cardiovascular disease. Low scores indicate screening exams are unnecessary. High scores may be appropriate for screening in some cases.
Hyperostosis is a limitation of which exam? A. lower extremity venous Duplex exam B. lower extremity arterial Doppler exam C. renal artery Doppler exam D. transcranial Doppler exam
Hyperostosis refers to the thickening of bones that is most commonly seen in women and older patients. the thicker bones limit sound penetration during a transcranial duplex exam.
Which of the following will maintain compliance with the ALARA principle?
A. reducing the number of images taken in standard protocol
B. reducing overall gain
C. reducing transducer frequency
D. reducing the amount of protected information given to the patient
As Low As Reasonably Achievable refers the exposure to ultrasound. Minimizing the number of standard images taken on each patient will reduce the exam time and exposure. Reducing frequency and gain do not affect the intensity/exposure time.
According to the Appropriate Use Criteria, which of the following is an appropriate indication for an lower extremity venous duplex exam?
A. > 4 days in the intensive care unit
B. suspected or diagnosed pulmonary embolism
C. positive D-dimer test
D. screening after recent orthopedic surgery
A LE venous duplex exam can be helpful in identifying a potential embolic source in a patient with suspected or diagnosed pulmonary embolism. A positive D-dimer test can indicate DVT, but it can also indicate numerous unrelated abnormalities. The lack of sensitivity of the D-dimer test makes it inappropriate indication for a LE venous duplex exam. A prolonged stay in ICU, without other symptoms related to venous disease, is not strongly associated with DVT formation. While patients with recent hip or knee surgery do have an increased risk of developing DVT, a venous duplex exam is not recommended as a screening exam for all post-surgical patients.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is a radiology based exam utilizing iodinated dye to assess venous valvular competence. A. descending venography B. CAT scan C. angiography D. ascending venography
Ascending venography uses contrast that is injected at the ankle and the course is followed up the leg to assess for DVT. Descending venography uses contrast injected through an intravenous catheter at different levels in the leg. Proximal augmentation maneuvers are performed to detect flow reversal (contrast reversal) toward the feet.
Which of the following is an appropriate indication for an extracranial arterial duplex exam?
A. 3 month follow up to evaluate a carotid stent in stable patient
B. Hollenhorst plaque identified on retinal examination
C. follow up exam 6 months after initial diagnosis on patient with > 50% ICA stenosis
D. screening exam on a patient with low Framingham risk scoring and no other assessment
Hollenhorst plaque are evidence of arterial emboli and are identified on retinal examination. The carotid arteries should be evaluated for the source of the plaque. Screening exams are not recommended for patients with low Framingham risk scoring and no other assessment. They are assumed to be at low risk of disease. 6 month follow up exams are usually reserved for patients with ICA stenosis that is 70% or greater. In the first year after placement of a carotid stent, 1 month baseline exam and a 6 month follow up exam are recommended in stable patients.
Which of the following correctly describes the sensitivity of a testing technique?
A. if the test result is negative sensitivity is the probability that the patient does not have disease
B. if the test result is positive, sensitivity is the probability that the patient actually has the disease
C. the ability of a test to detect disease when it IS present
D. the ability of a test to rule out disease when it IS NOT present
Sensitivity - the ability of a test to detect disease when it IS present. The number of truly positive tests performed in the current modality is compared to the positive tests diagnosed by the gold standard test.
Vessel wall and plaque morphology is best evaluated in 2D when the beam is at what incident angle to the vessel? A. 0 degrees B. 45 degrees C. 60 degrees D. 90 degrees
A perpendicular incidence of the beam to the vessel wall will provide the best reflection for the most accurate information display on the 2D image. Doppler flow information is most accurate when the beam is parallel (0 degrees) to the flow movement. The best obtainable Doppler angle is 60 degrees.
Which of the following correctly describes a screening exam?
A. testing used to determine the presence or absence of disease in an asymptomatic patient
B. testing used to monitor known disease progression
C. testing that leads to the initial diagnosis
D. the initial exam following vascular intervention/surgery that is usually done within first month after the procedure
Screening examination: testing used to determine the presence or absence of disease in an asymptomatic patient.
Baseline examination: testing that leads to the initial diagnosis of the initial exam following vascular intervention/surgery that is usually done within first month after the procedure.
Surveillance examination: testing used to monitor known disease progression; follow-up exam timing is based on the time since initial diagnosis or revascularization.
In order to assess low velocity flow, which of the following operator adjustments should be made?
A. decrease wall filter setting and compression
B. increase scale setting
C. decrease compression
D. decrease the rejection and wall filter setting
Decreasing the wall filter and rejection settings will increase the amount of low level Doppler shifts displayed on the tracing. Venous flow is low velocity and demonstrates low level Doppler shifts.