Qa Program Flashcards
What is the purpose of the quality assurance program in fixed and non fixed mtf and dtf?
To establish policy
Publish procedures
Assign responsibility
Risk management
Bumedinst 6010.13?
Quality assurance Progam
Who provides the highest quality of medical and dental car to DON?
When was the qa program originally issued?
How long must routine QA Program be maintained?
5 years
How long must PCE and JAGMAN be held?
2 years
The impatient committee of the qa program must have….?
Qa committee
Safety committee
Infection control committee
The fixed ambulatory care of the qa program must have…..?
Qa committee
Of a non fixed medical facilities the privileging authority is required to have….?
Fixed and no fixed dental facilities require to appoint an…?
Who is accountable for the implementation of the qa program naval mtf and dtf?
All healthcare personnel
Mtf and dtf who implement qa program must gain and maintain accreditation from what group/association?
Joint commission JCAHO
Name the 3 main obj of the qa program
Exposes areas of the command and others care that needs improvement.
Identifies areas of education and training needed by how.
Affords providers the opportunity to comply with joint commission accreditation standards.
Name the key element that make the qa program effective
Constantly monitoring of the quality of health care
What set of procedures must all treatment facilities fully integrate into their qa program
Risk management procedures
Who monitors the implementation and coordination of dental qa program
Who interprets dod, secnav and CNO polices and provide guidance for navy wide qa program implementation
Who provides consultation, Ed support and qa related info to navy treatment facilities
Who submits the qa report annually
What is the role of the officer in charge of the naval healthcare support offices
To provide technical analysis and recommend corrective action
True or false
Tycoms may elect to have a fleet wide medical and dental qa program ran by fleet medical/dental officer
What is the responsibility of Tycoms
Implement and coordinate a tycom-wide qa program
What is dd2526 used for and by whom
To report malpractice the health affairs asd/ha
What is dd2526
Case abstract for malpractice claims instruction sheet.
What is the responsibility of fleet commanders in chief
Ensures subordinates comply with the qa program
Who is Responsible for maintaining a risk management database?
PCE and malpractice clams are sent to whom
Health affairs asd/ha and the national practitioner data bank
What is the name of the school that conducts 2 educational workshops each year for the management of qa programs.
Naval school of health sciences located in Bethesda MD
When must the mtf and dtf forward an annual assessment of the qa program to MED-3c4
January 15