Q400 General Limitations Flashcards
Kinds of Operation
- Day and night VFR
- Icing conditions
Minimum Flight Crew
One pilot and one co pilot
Max Structural Weight Limits: High gross weight (may be reduced by performance requirements)
.Serial #’s: 4168, 4181, 4182, 4186,
Ramp Weight……………………………………64,700 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight………………………….64,500 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight…………………………61,750 lbs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight……………………….57,000 lbs
Max Structural Weight Limits: Enhanced Gross Weight (may be reduced by performance requirements)
Serial #’s: 4187 and above.
Ramp Weight……………………………………………65,400 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight………………………….65,200 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight…………………………62,000 lbs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight……………………….58,000 lbs
Center of Gravity Limits (high gross weight model serial #’s: 4168, 4181, 4182, 4186)
Fwd limit (all weights up to 53,000)...............13.8%MAC Fwd limit (53,000 - 64,500)..............13.8% - 17.4%MAC Aft limit..........................................................36.0%MAC
Center of Gravity Limits (enhanced gross weight model serial #’s: 4187 and above)
Fwd limit (all weights up to 53,000)...............13.8%MAC Fwd limit (53,000 - 65,200)..............13.8% - 17.7%MAC Aft limit..........................................................36.0%MAC
Maneuvering Limit Load Factors
Flaps retracted…………………………………+2.5g thru -1.0g
Flaps extended………………………………….+2.0g thru 0.0g
Maximum Lateral Asymmetry
600 lbs
Maximum Operation Speed (Vmo)
0 - 8,000 ft………………………245 kias
10,000 ft…………………………282 kias
18,000 ft…………………………286 kias
20,000 ft…………………………275 kias
25,000 ft…………………………248 kias
Flap Extended Speed (Vfe)
Flap 5……………………………200 kias
Flap 10………………………….181 kias
Flap 15…………………………..172kias
Flap 35………………………….158 kias
Maneuvering Speed (Va)
204 kias
Full application if flight controls and maneuvering at aoa near stall should be kept to speeds below this.
Rapid inputs may result in structural failure at any speed.
Landing Gear Operating Speed (Vlo)
200 kias
Max speed its safe to extend or retract the landing gear
Landing Gear Extended Speed (Vle)
215 kias
Max speed airplane can be flown with the gear down
Rough Air Speed
210 kias
Alternate Gear Extension Speed
185 kias
Speed is limited because all gear doors remain open
Maximum Operating Altitude
25,000 ft
Maximum Altitude for T/O and Landing
10,000 ft
Aircraft Approach Category
Category C authorized for CAT 1 approach minimums.
Maximum Runway Slope
+2% uphill
-2% downhill
Maximum Tailwind
Takeoff with flaps 10, 15, or landing with 35*
20 kts
Note: All flaps 35* landing will be done with a max flap setting of 15* during the approach to the final segment.
Maximum Tailwind
Takeoff with flaps 5* or landing with flaps 10* or 15*
10 kts
Note: All flaps 35* landing will be done with a max flap setting of 15* during the approach to the final segment.
Minimum Runway Width
100 feet
Maximum Crosswind Component
Hard, dry or wet runway…………………………………..32 kts
Dry loose snow (4.0” t/o, 5.1” landing)…………..18 kts(R)
Standing water, slush or wet snow………………..14 kts(R)
Ambient Temperature Limits – Flight and Ground: Airplane maximum operating ambient temperature limit is
50°C or ISA +35°C,
whichever is lower
Ambient Temperature Limits – Flight and Ground: Airplane minimum operating ambient temperature limit is
– 54°C
Take-off Power Setting Limitation
Setting take-off power prior to brake release, with the nose of the airplane more than
_ out of wind, is prohibited for wind speeds greater than _ kts.
45°, 8
Taxi Limitations
• Single Engine Taxi is not authorized.
• Reverse Taxi is not authorized. (R)
NOTE: Exiting the runway after a single engine landing is acceptable.
Auxiliary Fuel Pumps
Tank 1 and tank 2 auxiliary fuel pumps must be on for take-off and landing.
Fuel Heater
Continuous operation with fuel heater outlet temperature indication below _ or
above _ is prohibited.
0°C, 71°C
If you park the airplane in temperatures lower than _ for longer than
_ hours, you must permit a warm-up period for the displays that follow before
they become functional: - PFD-MFD-ED-ARCDU-FMS
-15°C (5°F), 3
Fuel: Approved Fuel Specifications are listed in
“Fuel Limitations” on page 10
Usable Fuel
Fuel remaining in fuel tanks when quantity indicators show zero fuel is not usable in
flight. Usable fuel tank capacities are
5,862 lbs per tank
Electrical System
Standby, Auxiliary, and Main Battery
– Maximum loadmeter reading for takeoff
– Minimum battery temperature for takeoff
- 1
- 20°C
– Maximum load air/ground
Landing Gear and Flap Systems
Maximum altitude for extending or extended landing gear or wing flap is
15,000 feet
Maximum tire speed is
182 kts groundspeed.
Air Conditioning and Pressurization
– Normal cabin pressure differential limit
– Maximum cabin pressure differential limit
– Maximum cabin pressure differential limit during taxiing,take-off and landing
– Maximum cabin altitude (pressurized flight)
5.46 +/- 0.1 psi
5.95 psi
0.5 psi
8,000 ft
Wheel Brake Cooling Limits
Brake cooling times must be observed between a landing or a low-energy rejected
take-off and a subsequent takeoff, to ensure that sufficient brake energy is available
to bring the airplane to a complete stop if the subsequent takeoff is rejected.
Ice Protection
Engine intake bypass doors must be _ for engine operation in icing conditions.
When ice is detected, the AIRFRAME MODE SELECT selector must be positioned at _
. (R)
NOTE: Icing conditions exist when the SAT on the ground and for take-off is _ , or SAT in flight is _ , and visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain,
snow, sleet or ice crystals). Icing conditions also exist when the SAT on the ground and for takeoff is _ when operating on ramps, taxiways or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on engines, nacelles or engine sensor probes.
10°C or below
5°C or below
10°C or below
Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
- AFCS is approved for autopilot approaches to
- APP mode, autopilot engaged approaches, is approved for:
- Autopilot must be disengaged in
- During autopilot operation, the pilot must
- Use of VOR without associated DME is
- After take-off or go-around, the minimum height for autopilot engagement is
- CAT I limits only.
- a. Flap 0° (minimum altitude: 1,000 ft AGL)
b. Flap 5°, 10°, 15°, and 35° - severe icing.
- be seated at the controls with harness secured.
- prohibited in APP mode.
- 1,000 feet AGL.
Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
- For non-precision approaches the autopilot must be disengaged
- Flight in conditions of severe atmospheric turbulence with auto pilot engaged is
- An autopilot approach must not be continued
- Autopilot and Flight Director only approaches are approved for glideslope angles of
- Autopilot approaches have been demonstrated in crosswind components up to
- On precision approaches, the autopilot must be disengaged at or above a
- at or above 200 feet AGL.
- prohibited.
- past the final approach fix or 1,000 feet AGL, whichever is lower, with an inoperative engine.
- 2.5° to a maximum of 4°.
- 18 knots. This is not considered limiting.
- 200 feet AGL.
Cargo Compartment
Unless the forward and aft cargo compartments are empty, the airplane must not beoperated further than
1 hour flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
Flight Compartment Communication
HOT MIC select switches on the pilot and co-pilot ARCDU must be OFF and the INT/
RAD switch on the observers Audio Control Panel must be centred,
when using the cockpit speakers.
– With Integrated Standby Instrument installed the airplane must not be operated
further than
– To ensure uninterrupted operation of the pilot’s and copilot’s PFD, MFD and the ED,
electrical power must be cycled on all displays
– HOT MIC select switches on the pilot and the co-pilot ARCDU must be OFF and the
INT / RAD switch on the observers Audio Control Panel must be centered, (nnbm)
- 1 hour flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
- once every 24 hours (flying day).
- when using the cockpit speakers.
Flight Compartment Door (R)
The flight compartment door must be closed and locked at all times during flight
except to provide access and egress as required per the FOM and SOP400.
Oxygen (R)
At _°F the minimum Crew Oxygen and Portable Oxygen pressure for dispatch is as follows:
Portable Oxygen 1600 psi
3 Crew 1450 psi
2 Crew 1050 psi
Route Limitations
The route of flight must be within _ flight time of a suitable airport in still air at normal cruising speed with one engine inoperative. Take off alternates for the DHC-8-
402 must be within _ of the departure airport.
one hour
Republic Airlines Imposed Limitations
On the ground, operation of landing (APPROACH and FLARE) lights is limited to _ (This does not preclude continuous operation of the TAXI light).
5 minutes