(Q3) Introduction to Funeral Service Law: Basic Rules,Legal Status, Disposition (pp. 4-7) Flashcards
Sources of Funeral Service/Mortuary Law
1.) State statutes and Local Ordinances (and some federal regulations)
2.) Common Law (Laws the Pilgrims brought from England)
3.) Case Law (Decisions of the Federal and State Appellate Courts)
4.) Administrative Agency Laws, Rules, and Regulations
5.) Contract Law
6.) State Department of Professional Regulation Rules
7.) Probate Law
* Statutes and Contract Law are the two primary sources for funeral homes, but may rely on others.
What are the primary sources of law for funeral homes?
- Statutes and Contract Law are the two primary sources for funeral homes, but may rely on others.
What is the definition of a dead body?
- A human being deprived of life; one who is deceased. AND
- Not entirely disintegrated: cremated or composted remains are considered personal property and covered by property law
What is the definition of death?
1.) The irreversible cessation of total brain function according to the usual standards of the medical profession.
2.)The irreversible cessation of heartbeat and breath (cardiopulmonary death)
Mortuary Law
The study of those rules that particularly relate to the disposition of a dead human being
Tests for Death
1.) Expert (Stethoscope, ophthalmoscope, electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, and evoked response)
2.) Inexpert (Ligature test, Ammonia injection test, Pulse, Listening for respiration or heartbeat, and Evoked response)
- Most state laws mandate that an embalmer must test for death before beginning the embalming procedure
Legal Status of a Dead Body
1.) English Ecclesiastical Law
2.) United States Law (Quasi Property Theory)
English Ecclesiastical Law
- A type of legal status of a dead body
- No Property Theory: (not real or personal property) Body was the property of the church and had right of burial
United States Law: Quasi Property Theory
- Derived from the idea that a body is not personal property, but family has a right to give that person a decent burial.
- Quasi in Latin means “almost “or “resembling, but not quite”
- This is what the dead are considered today in the U.S
What happens if one is wrongfully withholding a dead body? (Ex. funeral home holds body until payment)
- File a suit in equity for an injunction (permanent order) or restraining order (temporary order)
Do you have rights once you’re deceased?
Only the right to a ‘decent’ burial/disposition
Case of Regina v. Stewart
- English Common Law
- States that everyone has a right to a decent burial
- This law gave rise to Quasi Property Theory.
Why is it important to dispose of the deceased?
- Necessity: to protect the public health
- (And Individual religious and cultural considerations/regulations)
Methods of Disposition
- Burial (Interment,/Inurnment, Entombment, Green Burial)
- Cremation (most sanitary)
- Donation to Research/University (Anatomical Gift Act)
- Alkaline Hydrolysis
- Burial at Sea
What departments govern burials at sea?
All burials at sea are governed by EPA and U.S. Coast Guard
Burial at Sea for Military Personnel (Coast Guard Regulations for Burial at Sea)
1) Must be an active-duty member, their dependents, reservists, or retirees
2.) death certificate
3.) discharge papers
4.) application to Coast Guard
5.) Person authorized to direct disposition must request the burial by a written authorization form, which they can get from the Coast Guard Office in San Pedro, California.
EPA Requirements for Burial at Sea
- Three nautical miles from shore
- 600 fathoms deep
- biodegradable material
- must notify EPA within 30 days from the event
- death certificate
- discharge papers
Suit in Replevin
- Proper cause of action to recover personal property
- not suitable for the deceased because they’re not considered personal property