Q3) 20 marker - Social class identity Flashcards
Cohen (class)
(+) Causes social immobility and status frustration, turn to crime to let off steam and resist creating cycle with no chance to progress
Skeggs (class)
(+) Changes way that people are percieved and treated by others, working class women are humiliated by upper class and made to feel infrerior or excluded
Lea + Young (class)
(+) Reduces quality of life and end up in relative deprivation and joining subcultures
Offe (class)
(-) Distinctions are blurring bc full time work is no longer a unifying experience that allows people to determine social class
Polhemus (class)
(-) There is a supermarket of style where people can choose who they want to be regardless of social class
Young (class)
(-) There is now meritocracy so people can achieve if they work hard regardless of what social class they are in
Which sociologists argue that social class is important?
- Cohen
- Skeggs
- Lea and young
Which sociologists argue that social class is no longer important?
- Offe
- Pohlemus
- Young