Q27-31 Flashcards
27) In Rv 2, a) who are the betrayers and the destroyers?
b) What are the teachings and the food sacrificed to idols?
c) What does it mean to commit adultery?
a) The chosen people of the seven churches, Nicolaitans
b) Satan’s doctrine
c) Having a relationship with Satan, the groom
28) a) How many kinds of contents and what are the contents of the letters sent in Rv 2-3?
b) Write the three entities that appear in order,
c) and write what each did
a) Three kinds: what you have seen, what is now, and what will take place later
b) Seven messengers, Nicolaitans, John
c) Seven messengers: the work of the lamp that prepares the way
Nicolaitans: food sacrificed to idols, gave teachings, adultery
John: letter asking for repentance and word of promise
29a) Write the 12 blessings promised to the one who overcomes.
Right to eat from the tree of life, crown of life, not be hurt at all by the second death, hidden manna, white stone, iron scepter, morning star, white clothes, written in the book of life, pillar in God’s temple, write on him God’s name, the name of holy city new Jerusalem, and Jesus’ new name, sit on Jesus’ throne
29b) What are the white stone and the iron scepter?
White stone: authority to judge, Iron scepter: authority to rule
30) a) Which chapter shows what must be done in order to receive the promises of Rv 2-3?
b) With what
c) and how was it achieved?
d) What takes place after this?
a) Rv 12
b) Jesus’ blood and word of testimony
c) By overcoming the group of the dragon
d) God’s kingdom, power, and salvation
31a) What is the food that Jesus give at the time of the end(the time of Revelation)? Include a reference chapter.
Rv 2, the hidden manna (Jesus’ blood and the fulfilled reality of Revelation)
31b) What is the wine of adulteries that the devil gives? Include a reference chapter.
Rv 17 (Rv18), the serpent’s (Satan’s) doctrine, the wild vine, which is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
31c) Who are the pastors of the organisations that give such food, respectively?
Jesus and his pastor, the devil and his pastor (God’s pastor, the one who overcomes, and Babylon’s pastor, the prostitute and the seven heads and ten horns)