Q2 Vocab Flashcards
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Acquiesce (V)
To accept something reluctantly without protest
Brusque (ADJ)
Abrupt and blunt in speech and attitude
Cacophony (N)
A harsh and loud mixture of sounds
Docile (ADJ)
Easily managed or handled
Enigma (N)
Something that is puzzling or unexplainable
Fickle (ADJ)
Likely to change at any moment
Gumption (N)
Initiative or determination
Homage (N)
Respect or reverence to something honorable
Insinuate (V)
To suggest or hint slyly
Judicious (ADJ)
To use judgement to make a practical decision
Kernel (N)
The central most part of anything
Lethargic (ADJ)
Drowsy and sluggish
Myriad (N)
An infinitely great number of something
Nuance (N)
A slight difference that separates two things or ideas
Ostracize (V)
To exclude from society, friendship, or conversation