Q1 1-50 Flashcards
What are the two main kernel categories?
Monolithic Kernels and Microkernels
Explain the main differences between the two main kernel categories.
Monolithic Kernels One very large program Performs every thing by itself Fast and efficient Difficult to design and maintainMicrokernels A much smaller program Performs the most basic tasks only To perform the rest of the functions, a microkernel calls upon a set of other programs (called servers) NB: servers are programs, not machines Slower and less efficient A lot easier to design and maintain
What is the difference between copyright and copyleft?
copyright law is used by the author to prohibit reproducing, adapting, or distributing copies of the work by a third party.copyleft law is the right given to third parties to reproduce, adapt, or distribute copies and any resulting copies or adaptations are bound by the same agreement.
When was the first Unix operating system developed?
In 1969
When was the first Linux operating system developed?
In 1991
Where did the word “Unix” come from?
UNiplexed Information and Computing Service (UNICS)later changed to UNIX
Where did the word “Linux” come from?
Linux originates from the name Linus
Who developed the first Unix operating system?
Ken Thomson
Who developed the first Linux operating system?
Linus Torvalds
Who were the first to develop the first C compiler?
Dennis Ritchie
Who were the first to re-write the Unix operating system in C?
Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie
What will cat foo foo foo display?
cat utility reads files sequentially, so it will display: foo foo foo
Assuming that bar is a directory, explain what the command rm -r bar does. How is the command different from rmdir bar?
rm -r bar removes contents before removing the directory.rmdir removes an empty directory
The command rmdir c.progs failed. State three possible reasons for this failure.
c.progs is not emptyc.progs does not existc.progs is in the wrong pathway
The command rmdir bar fails with a message saying that the directory is not empty. On running ls bar, no files are displayed. Why did the rmdir command fail?
Hidden files are present
Explain the difference between the commands cd ~smart and cd ~/smart.
cd ~smart changes directory to smart directorycd ~/smart changes directory to smart directory from home directory
Explain the difference between cd $HOME and pushd $HOME.
cd $HOME changes current directory to $HOMEpushd $HOME saves $HOME directory so it can be returned to any time.
Explain what the following commands do: (i) cd (ii) cd $HOME (iii) cd ~ (iv) cd cd
(i) changes directory(ii) changes directory to home directory(iii) changes directory to home directory(iv) changes directory to cd, if it does not exist, nothing will happen
List 5 different ways to change the current working directory to your home directory
cd $HOMEcd ~cd
How many characters can a Unix filename be?
Which character(s) can’t be used in a Unix filename?
Why are we discouraged from having a filename beginning with a hyphen?
maybe confused with other commands
Can the files note and Note coexist in the same directory? Why?
yes they can because Unix is case-sensitive