Q and A Learjet 60 (Landing gear and Brakes) Flashcards
Main gear down and locked confirmed by ___________. (2)
Landing lights
Green Dn and lock
Landing gear ________ selected and_________ actuated.
DC electrically
Nosewheel down and locked confirmed by ___________. (2)
Green Down light
Noseweel steering arming
Landing gear warning horn sounds and CAN be silenced when ____________. (3 conditions)
Gear not down and locked with altitude less than 16 300’
airspeed less than 170 KIAS
at least 1 TL is at or below 60% N1
Landing gear warning horn CAN NOT be silenced when ___________. (2 consitions)
Gear not down and locked
flaps set at greater than 25 degrees
Gear and door sequencing controlled by ___________.
Squat switches provide signals to ____________________. (10)
FADEC, Stall Warning, Anti-Skid
Gear control, autospoilers, Stab HT
TO warning horn, APU, TR’s
Squat switch relay box
Squat switch relay box provides signals to_____________________. (14)
Nosewheel streering, Cab Press, Whindshield Ht,
Mach Trim TEST, TO Trim light, Spoiler MON
Gen current limiter(GCU) Airstart relay
Stall Warning light and shaker FUS FILL Hobbs meter
Davtron clock TAT HT
Tire Pressure ( Main - Nose) – ( loaded - on jacks) is ______.
209 - 219
109 - 105
Nosewheel strut fork should be ___________.
Left side.
Alternate - Free Fall extension use _______.
Gear and brakes indicators powered by ______.
28 VDC
Alternate (blow down) extension will ________. (3)
Release nose and main door uplatches
open main gear inboard doors
extend all 3 gears
After use, Blow Down lever should be ________.
Left down
After use, Free Fall lever should_________.
Be repositioned UP
Gear indicatorlights after Blow Down or Free Fall will be _______.
3 Green and 2 Red (main doors)
With no residual Hyd press, Free Fall should lock gear in ______.
15 secs.
Restrictor in the nose gear line ____________.
Creaytes back pressure and snubs wheel rotation on retraction
After TO from snow, slush, Ice __________. (2)
Anti-skid OFF and then pumps the brakes 6-10 times
Anti-Skid activates at a speed greater than ____ kts.
Anti-Skid is unavailable with ________________. (5)
1- Parking brake handle OUT 2- Emer Braking 3- Anti-Skid switch at OFF 4- Emer Bus (DC) 5- Syst failure
Nosewheel steering max deflection at ( 2 and 85 kts) is ______.
Nosewheel steering disengages at _____ kts.
Nosewheel steering is armed by ________. (2)
MSW (press and Hold)
ARM switch
Nosewheel steering is powered by ___________.
28 VDC and also 115 VAC
Loss of one wheel sensor __________.
Limites steering to 24 degrees thru MSW.