Q&A Flashcards
What are the companies priorities
“Prepare the future now!
1/Enhance E&C standards
2/Pursue Digitalisation transformation ( DDMS/Skywise
3/ Improve the eco efficiency of our products and services with incremental developments and prepare the next generation ( Urban AIr Mobility, New green A/C
4/ Reduce our industrial environmental footprint ( -5% energy consumption, -5% C02 emissions)
5/ Optimise international footprint and regional setup
6/ develop new skills to prepare job evolution and adopt WoW that favor collaboration and empowerment
7/ SImplify the Airbus BMS
1/ Improve customer satisfaction before, & after deliveries ( OT& OQ deliveries)
2/ Deliver enhanced support and increase service overing
3/ Achieve sales targets ( focus on WB/A220 & services)
1/ Delivery quarterly EBIT & free cash flow
2/ Achieve RC and NRC targets per program
1/ Improve operational efficiency & implement E2E industrial perfo solutions ( AOS route to mat B)
2/ Be reliable on committed targets @each step of the process ( QG green)
3/ Ensure Product safety & quality in adhering to standards & processes
4/ Meet criticial development milestones
1/ Live up to our values? Integrity/creativity/reliability/ Respect/We are one & customer @ heart
2/ Make Health & Safety everyone’s priority.
3/ Enable a speak up and listen culture
4/ Proactively improve diversity “
What is the Airbus strategy
“3 I and an E: Integration; Internationalisation, Innovation and Engagement
this is the previous MOTTO of the former CEO but still used by the current one:
Engagement: People is a key asset for Airbsu. Iniatives like MyWE recently or Engagement surveys before, is an example of feedback on engagement. The next Chapter initiaitive put the emmployee experience at the hearth of its transformation plan.
Integration: keep going in improving the overall performance of teh company by reducing the number of reporting lines and layers. Former Gemini, integrating core function @ Airbus Group level Ex: no more CEO ACA
Internationalisation. Wa are no more a european company, but a global one , with global footprint
Innovation. We need to keep develop our product and service by incremental steps and prepare the foundations for the next breaktough
ex: A321 XLR announce @ LE Bourget for incremental developments, the FCAS signed with European defense or the new H165 which is coming soon are breakthrough “
What is the Airbus vision
“2 items:
- Reduce our environmental footprint &
- Enhance safety
How? : Grenner propulsion /reduce waste use more biomaterials. Objective 2030~ first electrical AC of ~100 PAX
What is the financial situation of Airbus
“Airbus has a strong financial situation, rated as A- by credit agencies.
Its revenues in 2018 are about 64 b€ with an EBIT à 5 b€ (ROS , the double from last year.
The cash situation remains difficult with a current free cash flow status @ 2,3 b€, below the 2017 situation of 4,4 b€ Could become an issue as we need quite a lot of cash to run our operations.
The difficulty comes as it’s an unbalanced situation.
if we have a look @ divisional level:
ACA revenues: 47 b€ & EBIT@ 4.3 b€,
AH revenues: 6 b€ & EBIT @ 366 m€
ADS revenues: 11 b€ & EBIT @ 676 m€”
What do we expect from a BDIV?
“1/ key shaper, enhancing the business
A/ By shaping the corporate strategy and modifying the strategy of your own area abnd ensure thata decisions you take have a strategic relevance,
with MT& LT impact
B/ Leading Complex program, you know how to focus on : budgeting/ROI & ROCE
C/ Generating strategic Value
D/ Inspire innovation
2/ Key developper
A/ You lead managers :
-You select & develop your futur leaders
-You set example and clear leadership expectations
-You inspire people across the bounderies
-You engage international and remote teams
-You diffuse optimism and diversity
- BdIV represent the middle management. You manage managers, you are the link between executives and first line manager. You keep an eye to
the horizon and your feet on the ground.”
What are your strengths?
Courage / Humor and Energy
how would you describe yourself?
Energetic & authentic
What concrete action have you performed on Safety
13th dimension of the leadership model.
How do you inspire people
Stay as you are, and support others, stay connected to their difficulties. Bring positive attitude and stay calm even in controversion situation.Never forget to thank people. Ex team booster inprod
what do you think about emotions @ work
I believe that Emotional intelligence is greater than the pure Intellectual intelligence. So this is good to share your emotions the same way as you do in live. Carefully & Respectflully.
What are the values of the company
Respect/ Reliability/Integrity/Creativity/ Customer satisfaction/team work
what do you know about our company?
Airbus is a pioneering company in the aerospace industry. We design, manufacture and deliver aeropace products and services or solutions to our ccustomer on a large scale. We aim for a better connected, safer & more prosperous world
how do you deal with setbacks?
I take it with philisophy, but I don’t stop pushing, as I know that we need to deploy a lot of Energy to get things done in Airbus. Ex A350, many back & forth on CR management+ Always keep the individual contact
in which areas would you like to learn and develop?
I’m still working on my efficiency through better time maganement and more self discipline
What was the most difficult leadership decision you made last year?
I fired an Airbus employee, not because he has made a mistake but because he has hidden it.
How do you resolve disputes among employees?
F2F with mediation. If they were not able to find a agreement by themsleves, i split physically
What is different about your leadership behavior today than five years ago?
Leadership is less and less Formal. You cannot count on your managerial situation to get a legitimate position as a leader. Move from a boss situation to a coach/catalyst role
what would your current supervisor criticize about you?
getting sometimes too emotional.Too much pugnacity, I need some “ lacher prise”
Did you once have a different opinion than your superior?
Yes, often. Speak up is the only solution. As a labda employee in the compagny you have one core duty:”Tell what you think “
How do you motivate employees sustainably?
Keep the motivation high, depends a lot on individual & collective situation: something I’have learnt is not to apply always the same receipe : from a basic need of clarifying objective till inspiring with your personnal behavior, there is a gradation
what differences do you see between direct management of employees and indirect leadership by your subordinate executives?
Differences: When middle manager you manage collective targets, when first line manager exclusively individual objectives . MM you supervise adn get mid to long term vision, FLM you are in the daily organisation and deliverables. MM you make the link between Top & executive management, while FLM is coordinating activities between individuals and other stakeholders
What does it mean to become BD IV for you?
“To be even more involve into the company strategy while staying in contact with the operators. More autonomy in the decision making and team selection.
It means recognition & trust evidence from my management”