Q&A Flashcards
when can I intervene in an interview
- when the officers behaviour is inappropriate
- when the officers questioning is inappropriate
- it is necessary to provide my client with further legal advice
examples of inappropriate behaviour by an officer
- An officer giving his own opinion on issues raised during the interview – should object as this is inadmissible.
- An officer making an assertion during the course of an interview- should point this out and ask the officer to disclose the evidence upon which such an assertion is made
- An officer may attempt to misrepresent the law or facts or inaccurately summarise what has been said
- Officer may allude to or produce undisclosed evidence- should obtain disclosure of evidence and get clients instructions
- Intervene if the officers behaviour could be said to be oppressive
inappropriate questioning examples
- Irrelevant questions- questions that are about matters that the client is not under arrest for
- Closed or leading questions- especially when the client is young, vulnerable or easily led
- Officer making statements
- Officer asking client to speculate
- Multiple or marathon questions- ask officer to slow down and ask one question at a time
when I might need to give my client legal advice
- Client decides to answer questions in a no comment interview
- client starts to behave inappropriately- may lead to bad character assessment or impact bail decisions
You receive a phone call from a mother asking you to attend upon her son at the police station- told to assume probationary rep
- I cannot accept a duty solicitor case
- or cases involving an indictable only offence
You receive a phone call from a mother asking you to attend upon her son at the police station
- acquire info
- full details of mum
- contact number
- full details of son (DOB)
- circs son was taken to police station
- which police station taken to
- how long been there
- has she been asked to be an appropriate adult
- is she involved in the case at all
- is she going to go
- is anyone else going to be there from the family
You receive a phone call from the call centre asking you to attend upon an own client
- Acquire information
- Hello, yes my name is Alice Davis and my pin number is ……. And I am able to accept the call, can you tell me
- The name of my client
- Which police station they are detained at
- When they arrived there
- What the alleged offence is
- Whether they have been given advice by CSD direct
- Whether there are any other case notes
- Your reference number
- Thank you
you receive a phone call from a police officer asking you to attend upon an own client
- Who is under arrest
- For what reason
- Where arrested
- How long been at police station
- Are they ok
- Have they had to see the doctor
- Who is the officer dealing with the case
- When is the interview
- Anyone else been arrested
You are now making that initial call to the police station- what are you going to say?
- Hello im alice davis and I have been told by the DSCC that ____ has been detained at your police station and has requested advice from my firm. Can you provide me with the following details pls
- My clients full name, date of birth and address
- Does he have any illnesses or difficulties I should be aware of
- Where and when was he arrested
- What was the offence and do you know the circs of the allegation
- What time did he arrive with you
- Why has he been detained
- Have any searches or the taking of any samples been authorised
- What are your intentions and if he is to be interviewed are you ready
- Can I speak to my client on the telephone pls
- Shouldn’t agree to attend at this stage as I don’t have sufficient info to agree a time of attendance and wouldn’t know whether such an attendance could be justified
Code C6.5A
- appropriate adult can ask for legal advice
Code C6.15
- When I’m at the police station, the officers have to inform my client that im there
- need to be informed if a superintendent has given an authorisation that prevents my client accessing legal advice
Your initial phone call with client at the police station- what are you going to say?
- Warn them not to talk about the matter over the phone because I can’t guarantee the security of the line
- Advise not to say anything to the police or anyone else in the police station about the matter, not to sign any documents or notebooks
- Reassure that signing the custody record already is fine
- Do not provide intimate samples without me having seen him face to face
- Reiterate this with the custody sergeant
You attend the police station with your client as a volunteer- the officer wants to arrest him
- Is it necessary to arrest them
- Pace s24- circs in which an arrest might be necessary
- Code G codes of practice- when necessary
- Try to avoid them getting arrested- will go on criminal record etc- will be problematic
- Ask officer for circs as to why they think it is necessary
attend the police station but denied access to custody record
this is one of my few rights as a police station advisor
app adult with my client at the police station
- describe role of app adult
- Ask them to leave whilst I take my clients instructions in private- duty of legal professional privilege
- Don’t have the app adult with me whilst taking instructions if I can help it- they have no privilege