Python - Use of Files Flashcards
Understand why organized files are required for Python code success
Why do you need to understand other people’s Python files?
You need to understand other people’s Python files so that you:
- Learn from examples and best practices.
- Learn how to reuse code effectively, saving time and effort.
- Learn how to debug and maintain code, especially in collaborative projects.
- Enhance your own programming by exposure to different coding styles and approaches.
How to study other people’s Python files?
To learn from other people’s code:
- Read the code systematically, starting from imports to main functions.
- Look at comments and documentation to understand the intent.
- Run the code and observe its behavior.
- Modify parts of the code and note the effects.
- Use tools like Integrated Development Environment (IDEs) to navigate and understand complex code structures.
How much time should be spent studying existing code before actually writing meaningful code?
Balance time between studying existing code and writing new code. As a guideline:
- Spend the initial 20% of your study time examining well-written code from others.
- Gradually shift towards 80% hands-on coding as you gain familiarity.
- Continuously revisit others’ code to reinforce learning and discover new techniques.
Name 5 or more places where to find Python code for study?
Here are a number of ideas as to where to self-study, some of which will be covered in these flash-cards:
- GitHub repositories related to projects or topics you’re interested in.
- Code-sharing platforms like GitLab and Bitbucket.
- Open-source software projects.
- Python Package Index (PyPI) to explore packages and their source code.
- Websites like Stack Overflow to view solutions and code snippets.
- Coding challenge websites such as LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codecademy.
- Sample code in Python documentation and tutorials.
- Books on Python programming often include code examples.
- Project documentation of frameworks, e.g., Django or Flask.
- Articles and blogs from experienced Python developers.
Name at least 3 places where to find open source software Python projects?
Open-source software projects:
- GitHub Explore: Visit to discover trending open-source projects.
- SourceForge: A platform hosting a variety of open-source projects across different domains (
- Google Summer of Code Archives: Provides a list of projects that have participated in Google’s annual open-source program (
- Apache Software Foundation: Hosts a collection of open-source software projects (
- Open Source Initiative: Offers a comprehensive list of open-source licenses and associated projects (
Name at least 4 recommended resources on Python development?
Recommended articles and blogs resources written by experienced Python developers:
- Medium: Search for Python-related topics on
- Real Python: Offers tutorials, articles, and tips at
- Towards Data Science: A Medium publication focusing on data science, with many Python articles (
- A community of developers sharing knowledge, including Python articles (
- PyBites: A platform with articles and challenges to improve Python skills (
- Python Blogs: A directory of Python-focused blogs (
- Use search engines with keywords like “Python development blog” or “experienced Python developer articles” to find more content.
What is the foundation of Python code?
Familiarize yourself with the concept of a Python module—a single file with a .py extension—as it’s the building block for organizing code.
Then learn how to create, run, and import modules, as this is fundamental for accessing and understanding the structure of Python programs you’ll study.”
What is a single Python file called?
A single Python file is a module that can be composed and updated by a developer. When it is run, however, the Python interpreter creates a duplicate, compiled file identified with the file suffix, .pyc, which is only updated when its base .py file is updated.
Python files are identifyed by a file name’s suffixes.
A .py file is a text file in which Python code is written.
A .pyc file is a duplicate of the .py text file that is compiled by the Python interpreter after it is first run.
A Python program might rely upon a collection of .py files. Identify at least one guide that provides directions for .py file organization.
.py files are generally organized by the projects they support. For specific organizing ideas, however, consult these guides:
- The provides the PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code, at
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python at is also a good reference.
- Real Python at also offers practical advice on Pythonic code organization and writing effective modules and packages.
While Python code is written by developers, quite a bit of that code is copied and pasted (imported) between developers from one module to another.
Collections of modules are also exchanged which also must adhere to clear organizational guidelines.
Named 4 ways Python files are grouped.
Python modules are grouped by:
How are Python packages managed and shared?
A package is identified as a directory that holds modules, with the directory name being the package name.
Using standard directory organization, the first directory in a stream of directories (called a “treeview”) is called the “root directory”
To further identify a package directory, its root must also contain an empty file named
Using the Python import statementThere are several types of statements used to import packages:
import my_package
xxxxxxxxxxxx more including dot notation
How is a Python library managed and shared?
A Python Library contains a collection of project-related information (dependencies), such as modules, packages, documentation, configuration data, message templates, classes, and more.
The specifics of library creation are too extensive for describing in this flashcard, except to say that once assembled, it is uploaded to the Python Package Index where it can be shared.
Libraries can be installed by using a PIP command.
Once installed (moved to your computer if not already there) it can be imported using the “import” command, followed by the library name. Example:
import new_library
The libarary can also be rename when imported using the “as” command. Example:
import new_libary as nl
How is a Python framework accessed?
framework: A Python web framework is a software library that provides a collection of modules and tools that offer a structured (guided) foundation to streamline and automate the development of web applications.
Python frameworks range from open-source solutions favored by individual developers and organizations to “enterprise-grade development solutions,” which are commercially supported web frameworks designed for professional and business applications.