Python Pandas Flashcards
Create a dictionary called my_dict with the following three key value pairs:
key ‘country’ and value names.
key ‘drives_right’ and value dr.
key ‘cars_per_cap’ and value cpc.
my_dict={‘country’: names, ‘drives_right’: dr, ‘cars_per_cap’: cpc}
Use pd.read_csv() to import cars.csv data as a DataFrame. Store this DataFrame as cars.
cars = pd.read_csv(‘cars.csv’)
Specify the index_col argument inside pd.read_csv(): set it to 0, so that the first column is used as row labels.
cars = pd.read_csv(‘cars.csv’, index_col=0)
Use single square brackets to print out the ‘country’ column of cars as a Pandas Series.
Use double square brackets to print out the ‘country’ column of cars as a Pandas DataFrame.
Use double square brackets to print out a DataFrame with both the ‘country’ and ‘drives_right’ columns of cars, in this order.
print(cars[[‘country’, ‘drives_right’]])
Select the first 3 observations from cars and print them out.
Select the fourth, fifth and sixth observation, corresponding to row indexes 3, 4 and 5, and print them out.
3 ways to inspect a dataframe
Inspect the first few rows (including index labels)
Inspect the last few rows
Inspect random sample rows
Use loc or iloc to select the observation corresponding to Japan as a Series. The label of this row is JPN, the index is 2. Make sure to print the resulting Series.
Print out the ‘drives_right’ value of the row corresponding to Morocco (its row label is MOR)
print(cars.loc[‘MOR’, ‘drives_right’])
Print out a sub-DataFrame, containing the observations for Russia and Morocco and the columns ‘country’ and ‘drives_right’.
print(cars.loc[[‘RU’, ‘MOR’], [‘country’, ‘drives_right’]])
Print out from the df cars the drives_right column as a Series using loc
Print out the drives_right column as a DataFrame using loc
print(cars.loc[:, [‘drives_right’]])
Print out both the cars_per_cap and drives_right column as a DataFrame using loc
print(cars.loc[:, [‘cars_per_cap’, ‘drives_right’]])