Pygmalion Flashcards
Sunt tamen obscenae Venerem Propoetides ausuae esse negare deam; pro quo sua, numinis ira, corpora cum forma primae vulgasse feruntur, utque pudor cessit sanguisque induruit oris, in ridgidum paravo silicem discriminate versae.
However the filthy daughters of Propoetus dared to deny that Venus was a goddess; for which because of the anger of the divinity, they are said first to have prostituted their beautiful bodies and as decency left and the blood of the face grew hard, they were turned into hard stone with little distinction.
Quas quia Pygmalion aevum per crimen agentis viderat, offensus, vitiis, quae plurima menti feminae natura dedit,
Since Pygmalion had seen them leading a life through crime, having been offended by the vices, which very many nature gave to the feminine mind,
sine coniuge caelebs vivebat thalamique diu consorte carebat.
Without a spouse he was living unmarried and was lacking a companion of the bedroom for a long time.
Interea niveum mira feliciter arte sculpsit ebur formaque dedit, qua femina nasci, nulla potest, operisque sui concepit amorem.
Meanwhile he sculpted white ivory happily with wonderful skill and he gave beauty, with no woman is able to be born, he seized a love of his own work.
Virginis est verae facies, quam vivere credas et, si non obstet reverentia, velle moveri-Ars adeo latest arte sua.
The face is of a true virgin, which you would believe to be alive, and to want to be moved if reverence should not object-so much does the art lie hidden by the skill.
Miratur et haurit pectore Pygmalion simulati corporis ignes.
He drinks in fires of the stimulated body in his chest.
“Saepae manus operi tempantes admovet an sit corpus an illud ebur, nec adhuc ebur esse fatetur.
Often he moved touching hands to the work whether it is a body or that is ivory, he still does not acknowledge that it is ivory.
Oscula dat reddique putat, loquiturque tenetque, et credit tactis digitos insidere membris, et menti it pressos veniat ne livor in artus.
He gives kisses and thinks that they are returned, and he speaks, and he holds, and he thinks the fingers press into the limbs having been touched, and he feels that bruise might come into the pressed limbs.
Et modo blanditias adhibet, modo grata puellis munera fert illi:
And now he offers flatteries, now he brings gifts pleasing to girls to that one:
Conchas teretsque lapillos et parvas volucres et flores mille colorum lilaque pictasque pillas et ab abore lapsas Heliadum lacrimas.
Shells and smooth pebbles and small birds and flowers of a thousand colors and lillies and painted balls and the tears of the daughter of poenius having fallen from the trees.
Ornat quoque vestibus artus, dat digitis gemmas, dat longa monila collo;
He also decorated the limbs with clothes, he gives a long necklace to her neck;
Aures leves bacae, redimicula pectore pendent – cuncta
Light beads hang from he ear, a garland hangs from her chest– all things are attractive.
Nec nuda minus formosa videtur: collocat hanc stratis concha Sidonide tinctis,
She seems not less beautiful naked: he places this on the bedding with Sidoian purple,
apellatque tori sociam, acclinatque colla mollibus in plumis tamque sensura respondit.
and he calls it a companion of the couch, and he places the neck rested on soft feathers as if about to feel.
“Festa dies Veneris tota celeberrima Cypro venerat, et pandis inductae cornibus aurum conciderant ictae nivea cervice iuvencae,
“The holiday of Venus, most celebrated on all of Cyprus had come, and the cows gold having been applied to their curve horns,
turaque flammabant, cum munere functus ad aras constitit et timide, ‘Si, di, dare cuncta potestis,
Having been struck on the white neck had fallen, and the incense was burning when Pygmallion having completed an offering at the alters he stopped and timidly said, ‘If gods you are able to give all things,
Sit coniunx, opto’ (non ausus ‘eburnea virgo’ discere), Pygmallion, ‘similis mea’ dixit, ‘eburnea.’
I wish my wife to be similar to the ivory statue (having not dared to say ‘the ivory virgins’).
Sensit, ut ipsa suis aderat Venus aurea festis, vote quid illa velint, et, amici numinis omen,
As Venus herself was here for her festivals she knew what those requests wished, and an omen of the divine friend,
Flamma ter accensa est apicemque per aera duxit.
A flame was ignited three times and lead its top through the air.
“Ut rediit, simulacra suae petit ille puellae, incumbensque toro dedit oscula; visa tepre est.
As he returned, that one seeks the image of his girl, reclining on the couch he gives kisses, she seemed to grow warm.
Admovet os iterum, manibus quouque pectora temptat; temptatum mollescit ebur,
He moves his mouth forward again, he also touches the chest with his hands, the ivory having been touched becomes soft,
positoque rigore subsidit digitis ceditque, ut Hymettia sole cera remollescit tractaque pollice multas flectitur in facies ipsoque fit utilis usu.
and the stiffness having been put aside, it yields and gives way to the fingers, as Hymattian wax becomes soft by the sun and having been handled by a thumb it is bent into many shapes and it becomes useful by the use of itself.
Dum stupet et dubie gaudet fallique veretur, rursus amans rurusque manu sua vota retractat.
While he is shocked he rejoices hesitantly and fears that he is being deceived, again and again the lover handles his prayers with a hand.
Corpus erat: saliunt temptatae pollice venae!
It was a body: the veins having been touched by the thumb pulse.
“Tum vero Paphius plenisssima concipit heros verba, quibus Veneri grates agit,
Then indeed the Paphius hero spoke very many words, with which he gave thanks to Venus,
oraque tandem ore suo non falsa permit, dataque oscula virgo sensit et erubuit,
and at last he presses the not false mouth with his mouth, and the maiden sensed the kisses having been given and blushed,
timidumque ad lumina lumen attollens partier cum caelo videt amantem.
and raising her timid gaze to the lights she saw the lover together with the sky.
“Coniugio, quod fecit, adest dea, iamque coactis cornibus in plenum noviens lunaribus orbem illa paphon genuit, de qua tenet insula nomen.”
The goddess is present for the marriage which she made, the horns of the moon having been completed in a full circle nine times, that one gave birth to Paphus, from which the island holds its name.