PYB102 Flashcards
Tracts, nerves, nuceli, ganglia
Tracts: groups of axons in CNS
Nerves: groups of axons in PNS
Nuclei: groups of neurons in CNS
Ganglia: groups of neurons in PNS
Developing Neural Tube
Neural crest: forms the PNS
Neural tube: forms CNS
Top part of neural tube: forebrain
Middle part: midbrain
Bottom part: hindbrain
Developing spinal cord
Hindbrain Regions
Medulla: heartrate, blood pressure, respiration
- Pyramidal tracts on ventral surface of medulla
- Olivary nuclei lateral to pyramidal tracts (superior-sound localisation, inferior-unknown)
Axons travel from the cortex to pons to the medulla, crossing over in an act of decussation when they reach the medulla. This means that the tracts from the left side of the brain spread down the brainstem and control the right side of the body
Pons: Connects brainstem with cerebellum
- Consciousness and alertness
Cerebellum: co-ordination of balance and movement (left side of cerebellum controls movement on right side of body etc)
Midbrain regions
Superior colliculi: visual info
Inferior colliculi: auditory info
Forebrain (Diencephalon)
Hypothalamus: basic drives (fight, flight etc), control autonomic nervous system (sympathetic, parasympathetic nervous system), controls hormones/endocrine system by sending signals to pituitary gland which releases hormones
Thalamus: relay of sensory info the cortex (expect for smell, which is done by olfactory bulb)
Corpus callosum: white matter tracts
Forebrain (Telencephalon)
Limbic system (learning, memory, emotional expression)
Basal Ganglia: planning and producing movement
Amygdala: fear learning, emotional info
Hippocampus: memory and making new memories
Cerebral Cortex Lobes
Frontal lobe: movement, motor control, higher-order cognition, executive functions
Parietal lobe: Sensory info
Occipital lobe: visual info
Temporal Lobe: auditory info, memory functions
Longitudinal fissure: deep groove between two cerebral hemispheres
Lateral fissure: deep groove on the of the brain
Central sulcus: groove between parietal and frontal lobe
Primary Motor cortex: located anterior to the central sulcus
- corresponds to motor control in each part of the body
Primary somatosensory cortex: located posterior to the central sulcus
- sensory info attributed to each part of the body
Contralateral arrangement
Right visual field is projected to left occipital lobe etc.
Right visual info from both eyes goes to left occipital lobe via the corpus callosum
Split-brain experiments
- Severed corpus callosum to stop info from being transferred via corpus callosum to opposite lobe
- Patients could only see the words/ info in right visual field (meaning that the left occipital lobe was more lateralised to processing visual info)
- Therefore, left hemisphere is more lateralised to processing language whereas the right hemisphere more lateralised to motor control over the body (tested by getting subject to pick up item with left hand)
Cerebral Ventricles
Lateral ventricles
Third ventricle
Fourth ventricle
FILLED WITH CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (for exchange of nutrients, minerals, and is a shock absorber)
Dura mater
Arachnoid membrane
Sub arachnoid membrane
Pia mater
Choroid plexus: creates cerebrospinal fluid
The vascular system
Blood-brain barrier protects the brain from flowing of toxins, but can inhibit drug flow into brain
Divisions of the CNS: Spinal cord
Afferent nerve/dorsal (arrive to spinal cord): carries in sensory info to the brain via spinal cord
Efferent nerve/ventral (exit the spinal cord): carries motor info away from brain into the body
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system: Sympathetic: spending bodies energy (dilates pupil, more heartbeat, relaxed breathing/more breathing, inhibits activity, contracts blood vessels)
Parasympathetic: contracts pupil, constricts breathing, slows heartbeat, stimulates activity, dilates vessels
Reception: take in info from other neurons via the dendrites and soma
Conduction: action potential travels along axon
Transmission: pass it on to other neurons (who receive it with their terminal buttons)
Pre-synaptic neuron
Post-synaptic neuron
Glial cells
Nourish and protect neurons
Oligodendrocyte glial cells: create myelin sheaths around axons of neurons, to facilitate conduction of action potentials across the axons
The cell membrane
Lipid bilayer that has protein channels
Resting membrane potential: difference in chemical composition inside and outside of membrane
- approximately -70mV, but needs to be down to -55mV for an action potential
The neuron at rest
Protein channels are closed
Causes a resting membrane potential of -70mV
Creates a difference in electrical charge and concentration of ions on either side of the membrane
Na+ has greater concentration outside of cell
K+ has greater concentration inside of cell
Action potential
sufficiently de-polarized to -55mV
when reaching -55mV, an action potential will be generated by the reversal of the resting potential
action potential always the same size (all or nothing principle)
- sodium channels open
- potassium channels open
- sodium channels close
- potassium channels close
Speeding up action potentials
Myelin sheaths: action potential forced to jump between nodes and travel down axons faster as the myelin sheath is an insulator which does not carry electricity
Axon diameters: quicker action potentials
Process of synaptic transmissions
Action potential travels along axons and reaches terminal buttons
Terminal buttons release neurotransmitters into the synapse
They are received by the next neuron’s dendrites
Excitatory: binds to post-synaptic cell receptors and causes it to depolarise
Inhibitory: binds to post-synaptic cell receptors and causes polarization
Binding of neurotransmitters to post-synaptic cell causes protein channels to open and influences the membrane potential
Removal of neurotransmitters:
Reuptake: taken back into pre-synaptic neuron
Enzyme degradation: enzyme breaks down the neurotransmitter and changes it so it cant be recognised
Diffusion: neurotransmitter released
Auto receptor: pre-synaptic neuron takes in the neurotransmitter and changes function of buttons so it wont be released again
The role of attention in encoding
Attention filter: stops overstimulation
is a filter of further processing of stimuli (stimuli is processed all the time but the filter only allows a certain amount of stimuli to get further processed)
Model of selective attention
Does attention to stimulus occur in the early selection (before we recognize the stimuli’s meaning)
or the late selection (after we recognise its meaning and filter out what’s important)?
Cocktail party phenomenon
Attention filter comes after recognition of meaning
Conclusion: there may be flexible selection, if filter can be before and after recognition of meaning, then attention filter may be flexible to suit different scenarios)
Enriching encoding + Craik and Tulving
Maintenance rehearsal: repetitive info, but doesn’t necessarily enrich encoding
Elaborative rehearsal: thinking about what you are trying to rehearse (enriches encoding)
Visual imagery: picturing/visualising info related to the things you are trying to learn
Self-referential encoding: applying info to yourself (associating with things you can relate to)
Craik and Tulving: Yellow words: superficial
Orange words: phonological qualities
Red words: semantic properties
We are more likely to remember semantic words (words with meaning provide richer encoding)
Memory storage - Sensory Register
Iconic memory: 9-10 items, 0.5 secs
Echoic memory: 5 items, 2 secs
Sperling’s whole report task: ask question: can people only remember 4.5 letters on average, or is this a matter of visual scanning limitations?
Sperling’s partial position report task: reducing memory workload meant that participants could recall 3 out of 4 letters in any row. This shows that memory is a limitation in this task. Therefore, we are seeing more items than we can recall
Sperling’s partial category report task: People didn’t recognise difference between numbers or letters. Shows that echoic memory doesn’t process meanings of symbols, rather it just processes raw visual image.
We need to go further in the process to recognise stimuli
Memory Storage: Short term memory
Traditional view: Duration of memory can exceed 20s through rehearsal
Without rehearsal: info decay
Info lost through: interference
Dual task technique
- digit span task and grammatical task
- tested how long it took to complete task while they tried to hold digits in their short term memory
- FINDINGS: short term memory can complete 2 tasks at once
Working memory model
- phonological buffer (auditory info manipulation)
- visuospatial sketchpad (setting up and manipulating visual images)
- central executive
Memory Storage: Long Term memory
holds info for days, weeks, months, years
Declarative memory
You can declare things you know facts, events)
Episodic memory: mental time travelling into past and future)
Semantic memory: generalised memory, knowledge, concepts, facts)
Non-declarative memory
Things you know that you show by doing
Skill learning
Priming: more likely to use a word you have heard recently
Conditioning: conditioned associations, conditioned behaviours
Anterograde amnesia
Loss of memory after event