PYB007 Flashcards
What are the two main social supports?
Instrumental and Emotional
What is paralanguage referring to?
Tone, pitch and pace of voice
What is predisposing?
The genetic or historical elements that contribute to a CURRENT issue
What is precipitating?
The current TRIGGER of a problem, eg, what set off the issue
What is perpetuating?
The thoughts and behaviours that maintain a problme
What is protective?
Strengths, social support and positive patterns of behaviour
What is other-oriented?
Where your focus is on the needs or wants of the other person and not your own needs
What is active listening?
The listener makes verbal and non-verbal contributions to the conversation with the intention of understanding the speaker’s message
What is evaluative (judgemental) listening?
When someone listens to what is being said while making judgements about the person and then generally fail to hear the message.
What is filtering?
The unconscious blocking of parts of a message to only process the information that conforms to your point of view, potentially resulting in biased listening
Person agency
The belief you can successfully manage your environment and the hurdles this environment may present you with
Contemplation of your skills as a communicator with the aim of improving the accuracy and effectiveness of communication
Individual differences
Any aspect relating to who you are and what makes you distinguishable from someone else, eg. age, personality traits, beliefs, attitudes
Relatively stable enduting patterns of thoughts, feelings, motivation and behaviour that are distinct and consistent
All the aspects of who you are that contribute to your view of yourself, such as strengths, weaknesses, skills, values or beliefs
The process through which you monitor yourself to gather information that contributes to your self-concept
The negative or positive evaluation you make of yourself as a result of the worth you place in your strengths, weaknesses, skills, beliefs, attitudes
Attachment style
The cognitive, behavioural and emotional system you employ when participating in relationships
Anxious avoidant attachment style
People who display more rejection in communication and less self-disclosure. Often use criticism, coercive communication and blaming - also greater levels of conflict
Secure attachment
The feeling of positive working model of self and a positive view of others and together they represent secure attachment
Anxious attachent
Negative model of self but positive view of others - person might be comfortable with partner getting close and depending on them but nervous at thought of being apart, perhaps nervous of being left alone
Dismissive avoidant attachment style
Positive model of self and negative model of others - often dismissive of importance of relationships, believing to be better off without the inconveniences that come from being intimate or friendly
Fearful avoidant attachment style
Negative model of self and negative model of others - recognise the importance of relating to others but not trusting other people to provide what they need in a relationship
Five factor model of personality
Emotional stability (versus neuroticism) Extraversion (versus introversion) Openness to experience Agreeableness (versus antagonism) Conscientiousness
anxiety, hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsivity, vulnerability
warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, high activity, excitement seeking, positive emotional expression
Openness to experience
fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, values
trust, straight-forwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, tender mindedness
competence, orderliness, dutifulness, achievement setting, self discipline, deliberation
Emotional Intelligence
Individual’s capacity to regulate their emotions, discriminate among them, appraise and express emotion both verbally and non-verbally and us this infomation to guide subsequent thoughts and actions
Self regulation
Your capacity to monitor your goal-directed behaviour and identify if changes are necessary to reach your goal and set about making those changes
Likert-scaled questionnaire - Is it qualitative, quantitative or mixed method?
QUANTITATIVE - Uses numbers of quantities and predicted findings are found to be supported or not supported.