PVWA Stuff Flashcards
Log location
What are the predefined safes from PVWA install?
Contains the ‘UI & Workflow’ settings for all Platforms
The PlatformBaseID in the Policies.xml file does what?
Ties the platforms listed in the Policies.xml with the platforms contained in the PasswordManagerShared SAFE
What are the PVWA default users and group?
PVWAAppUser - logs into Vault and consumes a PVWA User License
PVWAGWUser - after use login to PVWA, the PVWA users PVWAGWUser (impersinating) with VPN to Vault Server **
PVWA is hardenging in how many phases?
3 Phases
a) Executing Installation Automation PS script
b) Applying CyberArk provided GPO
c) Then a few Manual Procedures
PVWA Manual Hardening Procdures include?
Remove\Disable all other Network protocols \ services \ clietns
- -Only need–
a) Client for Microsoft Netork
b) File and Print Sharing for MS Networks
c) Internet Protocl TCP IP 4
PVWA Automation Hardening script does what? *need to know for certification
- Validates and Disbles roles and services
- Sets file system permisisons
- Creates Local Users to run CyberArk Services
- **An updat eto the CyberArk hardending Group Policy Object is required to grant the users the “Logon as a service” right
- Removes unneded IIS Mime Types
- Disables SSL and enables TLS 1.2 sets, advanced audit policies and registries
- Redirects HTTP to HTTPS
After PVWA is installed and hardened what Windows Service is present, and what account runs it?
CyberArk Scheduled Tasks
Log on as: PVWAReportsUser