Purpose and nature Flashcards
What is a business?
It is an organisation that exists to provide goods and services
What are goods OTP
- Objects
- Tangible
- Produced and consumed
What are services AIP
- Activities
- Intangible
- Provided by other businesses
Examples of services
- Transport
- Dentist
- Dry cleaning
- WiFi
- Hair salons
Examples of goods 🛍
- Food
- Clothing
- toys
- Animals pets
- Technology
What are needs
Needs are goods we need to consume to survive
What are wants
Wants are goods and services that we would like but are not essential to live.they are luxuries 🧁🥰🥳🍬🍪⛴
Examples of needs
Shelter 🕳 Clothes👕 Food🍯 Air 🌪 Water💧
Examples of wants
Technology 💻 Smart watch⌚️ Beee🐝 Pupppppppy🐶 Nintendo 🤗👾
How to satisfy customer
Identify their wants and needs
Purpose of business Please Pet Sonny Fish Dog
- Producing goods
- Providing a service to benefit others
- Fulfilling a business opportunity
- Distributing objects
characteristics of an entrepreneur
(main ones )
willow tree
- hard working
- innovative
- organised
- willing to take risks
- motivated
why might someone want to set up their own business
- flexable working hours
- earn more money
- be their own boss
- gap in the market
- dissatisfaction with current job
- persue an intrest
what does hardworking mean
- being commited
- not giving up
- putting your all into something you find important
- investing time
- sacraficing things in orger to complete something
what does innovative mean
- being creative
- coming up with something new and unique
- original
- hasnt been done or stands out