Purple Hibiscus Quotes Flashcards
Papa’s Violence (control)
- Boiling water
- Words turning into blood
- Blood-coloured juice
- Balancing gravel on head
Papa’s Violence (religion)
- Cornflakes
- Throwing missal
- Beating Mama
Papa’s Violence (warped expression of love)
- Love sip
- Boiling water (“you are precious”)
- Cornflakes (“did the belt hurt you?”)
Influences of Papa vs Aunty Ifeoma (personal liberties)
- Aunty Ifeoma and schedule (“it is my house, you will follow my own rules”)
Influences of Papa vs Aunty Ifeoma (level of violence)
- Monsters playing catch
- Words turning into blood
- Blood-coloured juice
(these show the effect of Papa’s violence)
Influences of Papa vs Aunty Ifeoma (freedom of speech)
- They are so quiet
- Talk back to her!
- At home we always speak with a purpose
- I dreamed I was laughng
- My laugh sounded like a stranger’s
(the last one shows Aunty Ifeoma’s influence after Papa’s parenting)
Papa’s Public vs Private Sides (father)
- We should be proud to have such a [f]ather
- Go warm all over with pride
- Throwing missal
- Cornflakes
- Beating Jaja for grades
Papa’s Public vs Private Sides (philanthropist)
- Papa gives check
- Papa called “omelora”/the one who does for the community
- My son’s house can fit all of Abba yet many times I have nothing to put on my plate
- Ifeoma could not afford [coming last year], she has seen hard times
Papa’s Public vs Private Sides (Defiance)
- what would happen if the Standard was quiet
- we must not be part of what we fight (irony)
- throwing missal
- other violence due to Kambili and Jaja’s defiance
Freedom (speech)
- they are so quiet
- talk back to her!
- speaking with a purpose
Freedom (choice)
- Amaka’s lipstick
- culturally conscious
- schedule
Freedom (religion)
- not heathen but traditionalist
- differences in prayers for Papa-Nnukwu
Defiance (Jaja)
- refused to go to Communion
- finds purple hibiscus
Defiance (Kambili)
- talk back to her!
- wasting yam (why won’t you teach me)
- wants to join in on singing
Defiance (Papa’s suppression vs Ifeoma’s encouragement)
- Amaka’s lipstick
- culturally conscious
- defiance is like marijuana
- so quiet (“not like those loud children people are raising these days”)
Religion (subversion)
- throwing missal
- monsters playing catch (symbolism of missal)
Religion (different interpretations)
- why is it a sin?
- wants to join in on singing/we don’t sing at home (“it was not right. You do not break into song in the middle of the rosary.”)
Religion (societal divide)
- confess staying with a heathen
- house can fit all of abba but many times I still have nothing to put on my plate
- not heathen but traditionalist (Aunty Ifeoma as mouthpiece, guides readers towards inclusivity and acceptance)
Traditional Igbo Religion and Culture (beauty)
- admiration of the mmuo
- Jaja yearns to have his initiation to manhood/is jealous he hasn’t
Traditional Igbo Religion and Culture (contrasting views)
- confess staying with a heathen
- boiling water
- house can fit all of abba
Traditional Igbo Religion and Culture (potential to co-exist)
- not heathen but traditionalist (Aunty Ifeoma as mouthpiece, guides readers towards inclusivity and acceptance)