Purple Belt Test Flashcards
10 Leg Takedowns
Osoto gari Osoto guruma Ouchi gari Kouchi gari Kosoto gake De ashi harai Sasae tsuri komi ashi Double leg Single leg Ankle pick
2 Hip Throws
O goshi
Uki goshi
4 shoulder throws
Koshi guruma
Ippon seoinagi
Morote seoinagi
3 Combination Throws
Harai goshi
Uchi mata
O guruma
2 Sacrifice Throws
Tomoe nage
Sumi gaeshi
2 Throws from behind
Lifting up
Sitting down
3 positions of immobilization
Side control
Scarf hold
Kesa gatame
Scarf hold
Referee techniques: points
2 - takedown 2 - knee on belly 2 - sweep 3 - passing guard 4 - mount 4 - back mount
Referee techniques: Advantages
Pinning back in half guard
Attempting submission that must be defended
Almost completing a sweep
Almost completing a guard pass
Yoko shiko gatame
Side control
Kami shiko gatame
Tate shiko gatame
Outside leg trip
Osoto gari
Large outer wheel
Osoto guruma
Major inside trip
Ouchi gari
Small outer hook
Kosoto gake
Minor inside trip
Kouchi gari
Advanced foot sweep
De ashi harai
Supporting-foot lift-pull throw
Sasae tsuri komi ashi
Full hip throw
O goshi
Half hip throw
Uki goshi
Hip wheel
Koshi guruma
Back carry throw
One-armed back carry throw
Ippon seoinagi
Double lapel back carry throw
Morote seoinagi
Sweeping hip throw
Harai goshi
Inner thigh
Uchi mata
Large wheel
O guruma
Circle throw
Tomoe nage
Corner reversal
Sumi gaeshi
Side control
Yoko shiko gatame
Scarf hold
Kesa gatame
Kami shiko gatame
Tate shiko gatame
Osoto gari
Major outer reap
Osoto guruma
Large outer wheel
Ouchi gari
Major inner reap
Kouchi gari
Minor inner reap
De ashi harai
Advanced foot sweep
Sasae tsuri komi ashi
Supporting-foot lift-pull throw
Kosoto gake
Small outer hook
O goshi
Full hip throw
Uki goshi
Floating hip throw
Koshi guruma
Hip wheel
Back carry throw
Ippon seoinagi
One-armed back carry throw
Inner thigh
Uchi mata
O guruma
Large wheel
Tomoe nage
Circle throw
Corner reversal
Sumi gaeshi
Morote seoinagi
Two-armed back carry throw
Harai goshi
Sweeping hip throw