the kind of group that sociolinguistics attempt to study or group of people who share similar ideas, and uses norms of language.
the process wherein people acquire the languages used by those in the community
the process wherein people learn second languages by studying formally in school or informally on their own.
the process wherein people try to understand each other or to communicate as one learns from each other’s languages.
the process wherein individuals constantly interact and communicate with each other and the result of the language contact.
4 Communication Models
a. Aristotle’s Model
b. Laswell’s Model
c. Shannon – Weaver’s Model
d. David Berlo’s Model
generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts and views between or among two or more people, various contexts come into play.
The circumstance or environment in which communication takes place
Types of Communication according to mode
- Verbal and Non-Verbal communication
- Visual Communication
Types of Communication according to Context
- Intrapersonal communication
- Interpersonal communication
- Extended communication
- Organizational communication
- Intercultural communication
It’s latin prefix means within or inside
intrapersonal communication
its latin prefix means between, among, and together
Interpersonal communication
2 types of Organizational communication
- formal structure
- informal structure
A type of organizational communication that allows communication to take place via
designated channels of message consist of 4 approaches:
a. Downward communication
b. Upward communication
c. Horizontal communication
d. Crosswise communication
Formal structure
It is a communication between or among people having different
linguistic, religious, ethnic, social and professional backgrounds
Intercultural communication
2 types of communication according to purpose and style
- formal communication
- non-formal communication
General principles of Effective communication
a. Know your purpose in communication
b. Know your audience
c. Know your topic
d. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation
e. Work on the feedback given you.
Principles of Effective Oral Communication
- Be clear with your purpose
- Be complete with the message you deliver
- Be concise
- Be natural with your delivery
- Be specific and timely with your feedback
Principles of Effective Written
Communication: The 7C’s
- Be clear
- Be concise
- Be concrete
- Be correct
- Be coherent
- Be complete
- Be courteous
message to be delivered must be clear in the mind of the sender
Be clear
The message should not include any unnecessary details. It
should be short and complete
Be concise
one should be specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general
Be concrete
correct language should be used and the sender must ensure that
there is no grammatical spelling mistakes
Be correct
it refers to the written or spoken communication express clearly, logically and intelligibly.
Be coherent
one should include all the relevant information as required by
the intended audience
Be complete
it implies that the sender must take into consideration both the feelings and viewpoints of the receiver such that the message is positive
and focus at the audience.
Be courteous
According to him the Three
Concentric Circle of Asian Englishes
presents the three circles: Inner
Circle (English as a native language)
member countries, Outer Circle
(English as second language)
member countries and Expanding
Circle ( English as a foreign
language) member countries.
Braj kachru
Stands for localized varieties of English as they are used or spoken in certain areas
World Englishes (WE)
According them, the structural characteristic of these new varieties differ.
In terms of social features, differences can also be
highlighted through these following varieties of English
within the same Speech Community
Bautista and Gonzales (2006)
Variety of english that comes closest to the standard
Variety of english that digresses thoroughly from it and comes
closest to the pidgin.
Variety of english that is amiddle variety between Acrolect and Basilect
these varieties resulting from certain types of education ascertained by social class but are conveyed or transferred by the kind of instruction of the school.
they claimed that these varieties of English are influenced by the local language/s in various areas of their grammars and exhibit specific phonological, lexical, syntactic and discoursal characteristics.
Kachru and Nelson (2006)
refers to formality of language which one speaks
and used in different situations.
Language register
used in formal speaking and writing situations. Likewise appropriate use in professional writing
Formal register
it is highly characterized by
archaic expressions, technical jargon intrinsic only to
the community of legal professionals, structures,
nominalizations and passive voice.
Legalese or legal language
the language of text opposite use of
abbreviations, acronyms, slang words and expressions.
He defines Register as a variety of
language defined according to its use in social situations e.g. a register of scientific, religious, formal English.
David Crystal (2008)
she discusses Style refers to the degree of formality attached to particular interpersonal social
situation which is reflected by differences in Language.
E.g. The way on how you talk to a friend is different on
how you talk to your superior.
Crystal (1964)
According to him, Genre is associated with the
organization of culture, register is associated with the
organization of situation.
Lee (2001)