Purine Metabolism Flashcards
Are nucleotides synthesized in the oxy or deoxy form?
if cell needs DNA synthesis, then oxy is converted to deoxy
Purine Nomenlature
example: adenine
adenine -> adenosine -> adenosine monophosphate
purine nucleosides end in “osine”
Why are drugs/antiviral analogues administered as nucleosides?
They can pass the plasma membrane. Once phosphorylated (nucleotide) have a negative charge and cannot.
What are the active form of nucleotides?
di and tri phosphates
nucleoside monophosphates can be converted to di/triphosphates via nucleoside monophosphate kinase (turn mono=>diphosphate)
nucleoside diphosphate kinase (turn di=>triphosphate)
What is the purine proteome?
purine binding proteins comprise a family of 3-4,000 proteins (27-30,000 genes). 10% of proteins in body and 50% of druggable targets in biology.
Ex: kinases, helicases, reductases, transferases etc.
kinase inhibitor in leukemia- imatinib- 95% remission rate
What are the common purine bases?
Adenine 6-aminopurine
Guanine 2-amino, 6-oxy
Hypoxanthine 6-oxy
Xanthine 2,6-dioxy
nitrogen for all these inside ring are 1,3,7,9 positions.
what is a competitive inhibitor of adenosine?
What are two pathways to make purines and pyrimidines?
de novo biosynthetic pathways: from non base molecules
salvage pathways: reutilization of bases from dietary or catabolic sources
In de novo synthesis of purines A & G, how is ribose-5-phosphate activated?
step 1: Ribose-5-phosphate (PRPP synthase + ATP) => PRPP + ATP
PRPP= 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate; inhibited by AMP, GMP, IMP
step 2: PRPP (amidophosphoribosyl transferase + glutamine) => 5-phosphoribosylamine + PPI+(glutamate)
rate limiting step* inhibited by AMP, GMP, IMP
Where do the atoms of IMP come from?
inosine monophosphate
glycine, 10 formyl THF, amide of glutamine, aspartate, CO2
What is the precursor for AMP and GMP?
inosine monophospate
How is AMP synthesized from IMP?
step 1: IMP (adenylosuccinate synthetase + aspartic acid + GTP) => adenylosuccinate
step 2: (adenylosuccinase) => AMP + fumarase
How is GMP synthesized from IMP?
IMP (IMP dehydrogenase + H2O + NAD) => xanthosine monophosphate
(GMP synthetase + Glutamine + ATP) => GMP + glutamate
How are AMP and GMP maintained at balanced stoichiometric levels?
When AMP is made, GTP is required. Therefore, is not enough GTP, you cannot make AMP.
When GMP is made, ATP is required…
What are the nitrogen sources for Adenine and Guanine?
hypoxanthine-IMP + ASPARTATE (N source) forms adenine
xanthine-XMP + GLUTAMINE (N source) forms guanine
common mechanism is conversion of carbonyl oxygen to amino group in A & G synthesis