Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism Flashcards
Purine de novo synthesis: Sources of atoms
The atoms that make up purine bases come from:
- Amino Acids (aspartate, glycine and glutamine),
- CO2
- N10-formyltetrahydrofolate.
Purines are synthesized by building the base directly on the ribose sugar.
Purine de novo synthesis: Key co-factors
- Ribose 5-phosphate is formed via HMP shunt
- PRPP is synthesized from ribose 5-phosphate and ATP
a. Cofactor: Magnesium
b. PRPP synthetase catalyzes the reaction
c. ATP - 5’-phosphoribosylamine is synthesized from PRPP and glutamine. RATE-LIMITING STEP
a. Cofactor: Magnesium
b. Glutamine:phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferate. Inhibited by the end products of synthesis
*AMP, GMP, IMP. Activated by PRPP
- IMP (inosine mono-phosphate). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Purine de novo synthesis: Sources of energy
Pyrimidine de novo synthesis: Sources of atoms
The atoms that make up pyrimidine bases come from
- Amino Acids (glutamine, aspartate),
- CO2
- N10-formyltetrahydrofolate.
Pyrimidines are synthesized by building the base de novo and then attaching it to a ribose sugar.
Pyrimidine de novo synthesis: Key cofactors, enzymes and energy sources
- Carbamoyl phosphate is synthesized from glutamine, CO2 and 2 ATP.
a. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II is the enzyme and it is inhibited by UTP and activated by ATP and PRPP.
b. Energy source: 2 ATP
c. Key regulated step - A series of steps follows with the end product being UMP.
a. Cofactors: NAD+
b. PRPP serves as the ribose 5-phosphate donor - UMP is phosphorylated to UTP.
- CTP is produced by the deamination of UTP by CTP synthetase
Regulation of key steps in purine synthesis
Key step is first step
PRPP and glutamine are used to add Nitrogen to PRPP
IMPs, GIMPs and AMPs (end products) inhibit the first step
Regulation of key steps of pyrimidine synthesis
Key step is first step
CPS-2 is activated by PRPP and inhibited by UTP
Describe the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of Gout
Purine degradation disorder
Describe the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of SCID
Adensosine aminotransferase deficiencies
Step in nucleic acid degredation, will have build of of d-ATP in the blood. Inhibits DNA synthesis, so cells that are rapidly synthesizing DNA (ie immune cells) die
Describe the pathophysiology and clinical presentation of Lesch-Nyhan
Can’t use recycling of purines, have to use denovo synthesis
HGPRT deficiency
Can’t salvage guanine. Rely on denovo syntheses, which leads to buildup of PRPP
Describe the overall pathways of purine breakdown (source of carbons, products, key intermediates and key steps)
Degraded and excreted by the intestine
Remove base from sugar leaving free base. Base is broken down to uric acid to be excreted (renally)
Describe the overall pathway of pyrimidine breakdown (source of carbons, products, key intermediates, key steps)
Degraded and excreted by the intestine
Remove base from sugar, but open up base ring and break it down into “stuff” like succinyl-CoA, malonyl-coA, acetyl CoA
Describe how 5-fluorouracil and similar drugs inhibit nucleotide synthesis
Targets folate metabolism (anti-cancer)
Da basic differences between Purine and Pyrimidine de novo synthesis
Purine base is made on the ribose
Initial nucleotides product is IMP
I is converted to G and A as a monophosphate
Base ring is synthesized then attached to the ribosome
Initial nucleoside product is UMP
U is converted to C as a triphosphate