Pure Ref Custom KS Flashcards
Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
Move Window (Essential)
Right MB
Open Context Menu (Essential)
Right MB
Resize Window (Essential)
Left MB
Align Bottom (mouse pointer sensitive)
Command + down arrow
Align Left (mouse pointer sensitive)
Command + left Arrow
Align Right (mouse pointer sensitive)
Command + right arrow
Align Top (mouse pointer sensitive)
Command +up arrow
Always On Bottom (of current program)
Shift + Command + B
Always On Top (of current program)
Shift + Command + A
Arrange By Addition
Option + Command + A
Arrange By Name
Option + Command + N
Arrange Optimal (Essential)
Command + P
Command + Q
Decrease Master Opacity (Essential)
Command + -
Export All Images
Option + Command + I
Export Scene
Command + E
Export Selected Images
Shift + Command + I
Option + Command + G
Increase Master Opacity* (Essential)
Command + =*
Load Images (Essential)
Command + I
Load Most Recent (PR File) (Essential)
Shift + Command + L
Load (PR File) (Essential)
Command + L
Lock Canvas (locks the images in place)
Command + R
Lock Window (locks window position) (Essential)
Command + W
Maximize (canvas) (Essential)
Command + F
Command + M
New Scene
Command + K
Normalize Height (tries to scale the image height to the same size) (Essential)
Option + Command + Left arrow
Normalize Scale
Option + Command + Down arrow
Normalize Size
Option + Command + Up arrow
Normalize Width
Option + Command + Right arrow
Note (Essential)
Command + N
Open Source (locates the Image in finder)
Shift + Command + O
Optimize Canvas (optimizes the canvas area If it has become big with lots of images )
Command + O
Overlay Selection (takes out of canvas mode and puts only the image as a overlay) (Essential)
Command + Y
Pack All And Optimize (packs all images into the window) (Essential)
Shift + Command + P
Preset Dark
Option + 1
Preset Glass (transparent)
Option + 2
Preset Light
Option + 3
Shift + Command + Z
Relink Missing Images
Option +Shift + Command + R
Reset Camera Zoom (Essential)
Shift + Command + G
Reset Camera
Command + G
Reset Cropping (Essential)
Shift + Command + C
Resize to Selection (Essential)
Shift + Command + R
Control + Shift + Command + D
Stack (images on top of each other)
Option+ Command + S
Toggle Grayscale
Option + G
Transparent to Mouse (ie won’t shift if mouse goes over the image- a way to lock)
Command + T
Axis Snapped Move Item (Constrain to axis)
Left MB + Shift
Change Opacity of Selected Image (Essential)
Left MB + Option + Shift + Command
Crop Selection (use mouse to make rectangle) (Essential)
Left MB + C
Flip Image Horizontally
Option + Shift + H
Flip Image Vertically
Option + Shift + V
Left MB + Option + Shift
Focus Canvas (zooms full canvas) (Essential)
Command + Shift
Focus Image (Essential)
Focus Next Image (Essential)
Right arrow
Focus Previous Image (Essential)
Left arrow
Move Item (Essential)
Left MB
Neighbour Snapped Move Item (Essential)
Left MB + Shift + Space
Pan (While Locked) (Essential)
Left MB
Pan (While Maximized) (Essential)
Right MB
Pan Cropping (better than zoom)
Left MB + V
Left MB + Option
Middle MB
Rotate (Essential)
Left MB + Command
Scale (Essential)
Left MB + Option + Command
Send To Back (Essential)
Down arrow
Send To Front (Essential)
Up Arrow
Show Color Code
Left MB + S
Show Image Coordinate
Left MB + D
Snapped Rotate (Essential)
Left MB + Shift + Command
Zoom Cropping (you must Activate the window by left mouse clicking on it first and nudging it slightly then click the shortcut)
Left MB + Shift + V
Left MB + Z