Pure Economic Loss Flashcards
What is consequential economic loss?
Economic loss consequent on physical damage eg a lost salary because of a broken leg
What is pure economic loss?
Economic loss that arises where there has been no damage to the claimant’s property or injury to their person
Is pure economic loss generally recoverable?
Generally no
What three situation of economic loss could be characterised as pure economic loss?
- economic loss not flowing from damage to person or property
- loss arising from damage to the property of another
- defective items
What is economic loss not flowing from damage to person or property?
Will be when the claimant has suffered no physical damage to their person or property
Eg claimant makes bad investment, missed a contractual opportunity or lost an inheritance
When will there be pure economic loss arising from damage to the property of another?
When the claimant suffers economic loss as a result of damage to property in which they have no proprietary interest
When will there be pure economic loss as a result of defective items?
When the loss sought is the cost of repairing an inherently defective item.
Correct claim for this should be in contract
What are the exceptions are there to the general rule the pure economic loss is not recoverable?
The law distinguishes between economic loss caused by a negligent act and negligent statements.
Three exceptions which flow from negligent statements are:
- pure economic loss caused by negligent statements
- Wills
- references
When will there be claim for pure economic loss in relation to Wills?
When solicitor has instructions from testator to change Will in favour of beneficiary.
Testator dies before solicitor has time to change the Will.
Beneficiary suffers loss as a result.
Beneficiary can recover that loss even though it is purely economic.
What duties of care are owed in relation to references?
- duty of care to the person requesting a reference
- duty of care owed to the subject of the reference to provide an accurate reference with reasonable skill and care given
What three tests are used to determine if a duty of care should be imposed in relation to pure economic loss caused by negligent misstatements?
- reasonable reliance
- assumption of responsibility
- special relationship of trust and confidence between the parties
What is the interaction between the three tests used to determine if a duty of care should be imposed in relation to pure economic loss caused by negligent misstatements?
Not all the tests have to be satisfied for a duty of care to be found, either one is capable of establishing the duty of care.
The tests are closely linked and may overlap.
All trying to establish a proximate relationship between the parties and to establish that it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty
What requirements make up the reasonable reliance test which can be used to determine if a duty of care should be imposed in relation to pure economic loss caused by negligent misstatements?
- the claimant relied on the defendant’s advice (question of fact)
- it was reasonable for the claimant to rely on the defendant’s advice
- the defendant knew or ought to have known that the claimant was relying on their advice (question of fact)
In relation to the reliance test, what factors should be considered in determining if it was reasonable for the claimant to rely on the defendant’s advice?
- special skill or knowledge held by the defendant
- special skill or knowledge held by the claimant
- general context in which advice is given
- other relevant factors
In relation to determining if it was reasonable for the claimant to rely on the defendant’s advice, what amounts to special skill or knowledge held by the defendant?
D needs to have some special expertise or knowledge in order for there to be a special relationship ie the defendant needs to be in a better position than the claimant to know the facts.
There is unlikely to be a special relationship if the parties are on equal footing