purchasing and service expenditure procedure Flashcards
Emergency Purchases: Who is to be contacted to determine if the requirement is in fact urgent
enough to bypass the normal purchasing procedures?
Manager, Purchasing Support Services
fill in the blank
Competitive Bid Requirements: Contracts must adhere to the Purchasing Procedure as it
relates to competitive bids. Competitive bid guidelines ensure that the Service is obtaining the
______ available
best value
fill in the blank
Pre-Qualified Vendors: for a specific project, without the involvement of the City of Toronto,
____ quotes must be obtained from the pre-qualified vendors?
Umbrella agreements are not binding to any financial commitment by the Service until a
contract or purchase order is approved. True or False?
fill in the blank
Lease or Installment Payments:
Approval of ______ will be required if the total cost over the term of the lease exceeds
$500,000.00, not-withstanding that periodic payments may be less than $500,000.00.
the board
Fees and Levies Payable to the Federal, Provincial or Other Municipal Government, or to an
Agency, board or Commission Thereof (including OPC/CPC Course Fees). In relation to these
specific expenditures, in these instances is a departmental purchase order or a purchase order
Do you need a purchase order or a departmental purchase order to purchase goods, materials
or services in an amount not exceeding $200.00 (including: freight, duties, shipping, handling
charges, installation, etc.)?
No however it is recommended if the vendor will invoice the TPS
By-law 147 (2003/05/23) states that ‘provided the conditions set out in subsection (2) have been
met: Who may make an award and a commitment for an amount not exceeding $3,000.00 in
any one instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges’ by the issue of a departmental
purchase order?
fill in the blank
Unit Commanders are to review and evaluate all quotations received and select the supplier
submitting the ______, which meets specifications including delivery/availability.
the lowest price
The requirement for obtaining three (3) quotations is exempt where (3 answers)
- A price agreement or blanket purchase order exists and the purchase is being made in
accordance with the terms of that agreement (i.e. stationary items, bond paper, batteries,
etc.); - The goods or services are available only from a single source
- Total value of the departmental purchase order is less than $3,000.00, and the reason for
not obtaining three quotes is noted on the departmental purchase order.
Purchases in excess of $3,000
Subject to compliance with By-law 147 (2003/05/23), the Toronto Police Service may make an
award and a commitment to purchase all policing goods and services by the issue of what?
TPS Buyer purchase order
Goods and services estimated to cost over $3,000.00 will be processed by Purchasing Support
Services and are initiated by the Unit Commander or designate via a purchase requisition. True
or False
Purchases in Excess of $3,000.00
Who will arrange for quotations, tenders, or request for proposals for approval by the appropriate signing authorities per By-law 147 (2003/05/23)?
TPS Purchasing Agent
Cash Discounts, Due Dates, and Penalties for Late Payment
The processing of expenditures must be timed in a manner that ensures what?
- Cash discounts are taken advantage of wherever practical;
- No payment is made before the due date
- No penalties are incurred as a result of late payment
fill in the blank
No Award or Commitment shall be made, no debt shall be incurred, no expenditure shall be
made and no Account shall be paid by or on behalf of the Board except with ____ approval or in
accordance with the provisions of this by-law and in compliance with any other legal
Signing authority
an amount not exceeding $250,000.00 in any one (1) instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges
Signing authority
The Chief
an amount not exceeding $500,000.00 in any one (1) instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges;
Signing authority
The Director, Finance and Administration
an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 in any one (1) instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges
Signing authority
The TPS Purchasing Agent
not exceeding $50,000.00 in any one (1) instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges;
Signing authority
A Unit Commander
an amount not exceeding $3,000.00 in any one (1) instance, inclusive of all taxes and related charges.
Signing authority
The Chair
an amount not exceeding $500,000.00, inclusive of all taxes and related charges, provided that the other provisions of this by-law and any purchasing polices approved by the Board have been followed and the conditions set out in clause 17(2) (b) have been met and the Award and Commitment are in respect to the Board office.
Can the Chief or Chair make an Award and Commitment in excess of $500,000 in any 1 instance?
Yes, provided they meet the conditions
the Chief must report such to the Board at the next meeting and the Chair must report to the Board for ratification no later that its second meeting following the reward
Who may establish petty cash funds in an amount he or she considers appropriate having
regard to the operational requirements of the TPS?
the CAO
Petty cash payments for any individual purchase shall not exceed how much?