Pupils Flashcards
The iris sphincter muscle encircles the pupil and _ the pupil which is known as _
Constricts, miosis
The iris dilator radial muscle _ the pupil which is known as _
Dilates, mydriasis
The sphincter muscle is innervated by the _ nervous system through _ with the neurotransmitter _
Parasympathetic, CNll , acetylcholine
The dilator muscle is innervated by the _ nervous system through _ with the neurotransmitter _ and _
Sympathetic , CNV , epinephrine, norepinephrine
Light traveling from the eye to the brain is called _ pathway and is responsible for the _ response
Afferent , direct
Light traveling from the brain to the iris sphincter is called the _ pathway and is responsible for the _ response which is equally distributed to each eye.
Efferent, consensual
The near reflex consists of _ , _ and _
Accommodation, covergence and pupil constriction
The afferent pupillary pathway
Ganglion cells in the retina Optic nerve Optic chiasm Optic tracts Pretectal nuclei in midbrain Posterior commissure crossing Edinger-westphal nuclei (part of CN3 nuclei )
Afferent pupillary defects can include
Large retinal lesion Optic nerve disease Optic nerve compression Optic tract lesion Midbrain lesion
Fibers along the surface of CN3 travel next to the _ and are exposed to forces of herniation
Posterior communicating artery
Efferent parasympathetic response pathway
Edinger Westphal nuclei Oculormotor CN3 Ciliary ganglion Short posterior ciliary nerves Choroid, iris sphincter and ciliary body
Efferent sympathetic response pathway
1. Order neuron Hypothalamus synapse C8-T2 in spinal cord 2. Order neuron Exit spinal cord Superior cervical ganglion 3. Order neuron CNV nasociliary branch Long ciliary nerves Dilator muscle, mueller muscle, and frontal sweat glands
When evaluating the pupils the patient should be directed to view a _ target at distance such as a small light. Pupil _ is generally measured in a _ room and should be _ in size
Non accommodation, size , dark , equal
Normal average pupil size ranges are in the light _ and in the dark _
2-4 mm , 4-8 mm
Patient with _ pupils after LASIK may have impaired night vision such as _, _, and _
Large, starburst, halos , ghost images
If a patient has anisocoria (unequal pupil size) the pupil should be measured in _
Light and dark
Pupil _ should be evaluated with normal being _ and _
Shape , round , centered
The pupil _ should be tested evaluating both the _ and _ response
Reaction to light , direct, consensual
Direct pupil response _
Constriction of the pupil light is shone
Consensual response _
Constriction of un-illuminated pupil
The swinging flashlight test is done to check an _ which is known as _
Relative afferent pupil (RAPD) Narcus -Gunn pupil
The pupils response to _ should also be measured and recorded if there is an abnormal light response
When a patient looks from a distance non accommodative target to near (20/40) accommodative target normal pupils with both _
Afferent accommodate pathway is the same as the afferent _ pathway for image analysis
_ pathway differs from light pupillary pathway