Pupillary defects Flashcards
Whate are the categories of pupil abnormalities
Abnormal pupil size
Abnormal pupil reaction
Condition with abnormal pupil size
Adies tonic pupil
Horner’s syndrome
What is blocked in adie’s tonic pupil
Parasympathetic block
What is blocked in horner’s syndrome
Sympathetic block
Condition with abnormal pupil reaction
Marcus gun pupil
Parinauds syndrome
Argyll Robertson pupil
Points to remember in pupillary defect/ anomalies.
> Any lesion located from the retina to the pretectal nucleus is considered a relative afferent pupillary defect.
> Any lesion located from pre-ganglionic to post ganlionic fiber is considered a telative afferent pupillary defect.
Defect with lesion is at retina—> pretectal nucleus
Relative afferent pupillar defect
Defect when lesion is at preganglionic —> postganglionic
Relative efferent pupillary defect
Location of lesion if relative afferent pupillary defect
Location pf lesion if relative efferent pupillary defect
Pre-ganglionic to post-anlionic fiber
What are the diseases that can cause marcus gun?
Optic Atrophy
Marked retinal Detachment
Asymmetric POAG
T/F | Does a loss of vision due to corneal, lenticular, vitreous refractive or emotional can produce marcus gun response?
What is the method of diagnosis in marcus gun?
Swinging flashlight test
In an affected eye with marcus gun the ____?response is greater than ____?
What will happen when the light is directed into the normal right eye? (Direct and consensual) bothe eyes are _____?
In patient with marcus gun, when the light is directed into affected eye, both eyes are____
It is a parasympathetic condition that is central and bilateral in nature.
Argyll Robertson Pupil