Pupil drugs Flashcards
Cholinergic Agonist MOA and drug
Parasympathetic agonist. Will result in pupil constriction and increased accommodation. Both of these causes an increase in aqueous outflow.
Pilocarpine is used to tx
POAG and Ocular HTN (rare to use for tx now)
Acute angle closure glaucoma. Except when IOP is our 50.
Pilocarpine is used to Dx
Aide’s Tonic pupil, 3rd nerve palsy, pharmacologic dilation.
*Similar in action to Ach (parasympathetic) and will cause constriction of Aide’s
When pilocarpine is used to tx POAG and Ocular HTN, there is a ___% decrease in IOP
Rarely used as Tx now
Pilocarpine adverse effects
Accommodative spasm –> blur at distance.
Browache/HA !!!!!!!!
Retinal detachment
Shallowing of the AC
Breakdown of the blood aqueous barrier. More things can get into the eye.
High myopes. Watch for retinal detach.
Pts with uveitis.
Older pts may have accommodative spasm.
Pts with angle closure secondary to lens induced mechanism or aqueous misdirection.
Cholinergic Antagonist MOA and drugs
Parasympathetic antagonist.
Prevents pupil constriction and accommodation.
Atropine Homatropine Cyclopentolate Tropicamide Scopolamine
What cycloplegic drop comes as a solution and ointment?
Clinical use for atropine
Anterior uveitis or K injury
Posterior synechiae
Cyclo refraction for suspected accommodative isotope.
Myopia control
Occlusion therapy for amblyopia.
Clinical uses for homatropine
it is the drug of choice for anterior uveitis or K injury (off label)
-Prevents PS
-Pain relief
Reduces cells and flare (decreases vessel permeability)
Clinical uses for cyclopentolate
Drug of choice for cyclo refraction.
1 drop 1% or 2 drops 0.5% 5 mins apart.
Residual accommodation is 1-1.75D
Also could help mild anterior uveitis.
Clinical uses for tropicamide
Drug of choice for dilation.
Minimal cyclo. Especially with 0.5%
0.25% tropicamide and 1% hydroxyamphetamine is paremyd.
Does a higher concentration (more drops) of tropicamide improve mydriasis?
DM patients may be resistant to this drop unless phenylephrine is added.